to determine the next available file number to be used with open
and close
. open_(path) | |
print_(txt) | Writes text into the opened file. |
printWithNL(txt) | Writes text into opened file and ends it with a new line. |
close_() |
' ' vi: ft=basic ' option explicit private fileNumber as integer public sub open_(name_ as string) ' { if fileNumber <> 0 then ' { msgBox("fileNumber already set, name_ = " & name_) exit sub end if ' } fileNumber = freeFile() open name_ for output as #fileNumber end sub ' } public sub print_(txt as string) ' { print# fileNumber, txt; ' Semicolon to prevent printing of new line end sub ' } public sub printWithNL(txt as string) ' { print# fileNumber, txt ' No semicolon, print new line end sub ' } public sub close_ ' { close #fileNumber fileNumber = 0 end sub ' } private sub class_initialize() end sub private sub class_terminate() end sub
option explicit sub main() ' { dim file_foo as file dim file_bar as file dim file_baz as file set file_foo = new file set file_bar = new file set file_baz = new file file_foo.open_ environ("temp") & "\" file_bar.open_ environ("temp") & "\" file_baz.open_ environ("temp") & "\filetest.baz.txt" file_foo.print_ "This " file_foo.print_ "is " file_foo.print_ "the " file_foo.print_ "first " file_foo.printWithNL "line. " file_bar.printWithNL "This is the bar file." file_baz.printWithNL "This is the baz file." file_foo.printWithNL "Second line" file_bar.printWithNL "Second line" file_baz.printWithNL "Second line" file_foo.close_ file_bar.close_ file_baz.close_ end sub ' }
and printWithNL()
be renamed to write_
and writeWithNL
. file
class be used by the dbgFileWriter