Other formats
The other local independent format for dates is #MM/dd/yyyy#
A time might also be specified in 0-12 hours (rather than 0-23) format: #hh:mm:ss xM#
, x
= A
or P
Simple example
option explicit
sub main()
dim dt_1 as date
dim dt_2 as date
dim dt_3 as date
dim dt_4 as date
dt_1 = #08/20/2010#
dt_2 = #2010-08-28#
dt_3 = #2010-08-28 01:02:03#
dt_4 = #08/28/2010 11:22:33 AM#
debug.print("There are " & dateDiff("d", dt_1, dt_2) & " days between " & dt_1 & " and " & dt_2)
' There are 8 days between 20.08.2010 and 28.08.2010
debug.print("There are " & dateDiff("n", dt_3, dt_4) & " minutes between " & dt_3 & " and " & dt_4)
' There are 620 minutes between 28.08.2010 01:02:03 and 28.08.2010 11:22:33
end sub