lenB vs len
For most datatypes,
returns the same number as
] does. However, for
returns the number of characters in the string while
returns the number of bytes that the string occupies. Because Visual Basic strings are internally stored as BSTRs,
lenB(str) = 2 * len(str)
option explicit
type FOO ' {
b1 as byte
b2 as byte
itg as long
b3 as byte
end type ' }
sub main() '
dim byt as byte : byt = 42 : debug.print("byte : " & len(byt) & " " & lenB(byt))
dim bol as boolean : bol = true : debug.print("boolean : " & len(bol) & " " & lenB(bol))
dim cur as currency : cur = 18.05 : debug.print("currency : " & len(cur) & " " & lenB(cur))
dim dat as date : dat = now() : debug.print("date : " & len(dat) & " " & lenB(dat))
dim dbl as double : dbl = 271.38 : debug.print("double : " & len(dbl) & " " & lenB(dbl))
dim itg as integer : itg = 12345 : debug.print("integer : " & len(itg) & " " & lenB(itg))
dim lng as long : lng = 123456 : debug.print("long : " & len(lng) & " " & lenB(lng))
' dim llg as long long: : debug.print("long long: " & len(llg) & " " & lenB(llg))
dim sng as single : sng = 18.73 : debug.print("single : " & len(sng) & " " & lenB(sng))
dim str as string : str = "text" : debug.print("string : " & len(str) & " " & lenB(str))
dim typ as FOO : debug.print("FOO : " & len(typ) & " " & lenB(typ))
' dim obj as object " debug.print("object : " & len(obj) & " " & lenB(obj))
dim var as variant : var = 15 : debug.print("variant : " & len(var) & " " & lenB(var))
end sub ' }
' byte : 1 1
' boolean : 2 2
' currency : 8 8
' date : 8 8
' double : 8 8
' integer : 2 2
' long : 4 4
' single : 4 4
' string : 4 8
' FOO : 7 12
' variant : 2 4