Search notes:

VBA function: lenB

lenB vs len

For most datatypes, lenB() returns the same number as len[len()] does. However, for strings, len(str) returns the number of characters in the string while lenB(str) returns the number of bytes that the string occupies. Because Visual Basic strings are internally stored as BSTRs, lenB(str) = 2 * len(str).
option explicit

type FOO ' {
     b1  as byte
     b2  as byte
     itg as long
     b3  as byte
end type  ' }

sub main() '

    dim byt as byte     : byt =      42    : debug.print("byte     : " & len(byt) & " " & lenB(byt))
    dim bol as boolean  : bol =    true    : debug.print("boolean  : " & len(bol) & " " & lenB(bol))
    dim cur as currency : cur =      18.05 : debug.print("currency : " & len(cur) & " " & lenB(cur))
    dim dat as date     : dat =    now()   : debug.print("date     : " & len(dat) & " " & lenB(dat))
    dim dbl as double   : dbl =     271.38 : debug.print("double   : " & len(dbl) & " " & lenB(dbl))
    dim itg as integer  : itg =   12345    : debug.print("integer  : " & len(itg) & " " & lenB(itg))
    dim lng as long     : lng =  123456    : debug.print("long     : " & len(lng) & " " & lenB(lng))
  ' dim llg as long long:                  : debug.print("long long: " & len(llg) & " " & lenB(llg))
    dim sng as single   : sng =      18.73 : debug.print("single   : " & len(sng) & " " & lenB(sng))
    dim str as string   : str =    "text"  : debug.print("string   : " & len(str) & " " & lenB(str))
    dim typ as FOO      :                    debug.print("FOO      : " & len(typ) & " " & lenB(typ))
  ' dim obj as object   "                    debug.print("object   : " & len(obj) & " " & lenB(obj))
    dim var as variant  : var =      15    : debug.print("variant  : " & len(var) & " " & lenB(var))

end sub ' }
' byte     : 1 1
' boolean  : 2 2
' currency : 8 8
' date     : 8 8
' double   : 8 8
' integer  : 2 2
' long     : 4 4
' single   : 4 4
' string   : 4 8
' FOO      : 7 12
' variant  : 2 4
Github repository about-VBA, path: /functions/lenB/lenB-vs-len.bas

See also

VBA functions


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