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VBA: Microsoft Scripting Runtime - FileSystemObject

The FileSystemObject is an object that is found in Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime.


With PowerShell, it is possible to find the methods of a Scripting.FileSystemObject object:
$fso = new-object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject
$fso | get-member -type method | foreach-object {
  $null = $_.definition -match '(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\(([^)]*)\)'
  '{0,-20} {1,-30} {2}' -f $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3]
string BuildPath string, string
void CopyFile string, string, bool
void CopyFolder string, string, bool
IFolder CreateFolder string
ITextStream CreateTextFile string, bool, bool
void DeleteFile string, bool
void DeleteFolder string, bool
bool DriveExists string
bool FileExists string
bool FolderExists string
string GetAbsolutePathName string
string GetBaseName string
IDrive GetDrive string
string GetDriveName string
string GetExtensionName string
IFile GetFile string
string GetFileName string
string GetFileVersion string
IFolder GetFolder string
string GetParentFolderName string
IFolder GetSpecialFolder SpecialFolderConst
ITextStream GetStandardStream StandardStreamTypes, bool
string GetTempName
void MoveFile string, string
void MoveFolder string, string
ITextStream OpenTextFile string, IOMode, bool, Tristate

Create or delete text file

The following simple example uses fileExists to check whether a given file exists.
If it exists, it deletes it using deleteFile.
If the file does not exist, it first creates a text file using createTextFile which returns a textStream object. With this object's writeLine methods, some text lines can be added to the newly created text file.
Finally, the file (text stream) is closed.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim pathToFile as string
    pathToFile = environ$("TEMP") & "\someFile.txt"

    dim fs as new scripting.fileSystemObject

    if fs.fileExists(pathToFile) then ' {

       msgBox(pathToFile & " exists." & vbcrlf & "Going to delete it.")

       fs.deleteFile pathToFile

    ' }
    else ' {

       msgBox(pathToFile & " does not exists." & vbcrlf & "Going to create it.")

       dim ts as scripting.textStream
       set ts = fs.createTextFile(pathToFile)

       ts.writeLine("First line" )
       ts.writeLine("Second line")
       ts.writeLine("Third line" )


    end if ' }

end sub ' }
Github repository about-VBA, path: /object-libraries/microsoft-scripting-runtime/fileSystemObject/create-or-delete-txt-file.bas


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