Connecting to SQL Server
odbc_con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server" ,
server = Sys.getenv("COMPUTERNAME"),
database ='tq84_db'
# UID ='Rene' ,
# PWD = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password")
# Port = 1433
# encoding = …
# Get some information about connection.
dbInfo <- dbGetInfo(odbc_con);
print(dbInfo$ );
print(dbInfo$db.version );
# List dbo tables
dbListTables(odbc_con, schema_name = 'dbo');
# List tables that start with t:
dbListTables(odbc_con, schema_name = 'dbo', table_name = 't%');
# Create a table from a data frame …
df <- data.frame(
col_1 = c( 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ),
col_2 = c('one' , 'two' , 'three', 'four'),
col_3 = c('eins', 'zwei', 'drei' , NA ));
# … and write it into an SQL table. First, we
# need to check if the table already exists:
if (dbExistsTable(odbc_con, 'r_dataframe')) {
print('Table already exists! Dropping it.');
dbRemoveTable(odbc_con, 'r_dataframe');
dbWriteTable(odbc_con, 'r_dataframe', df);
# Show column names of new table written:
dbListFields(odbc_con, 'r_dataframe');
# Read content of a table into a dataframe.
df <- NA;
df <- dbReadTable(odbc_con, 'r_dataframe');
# Select with SQL statement.
stmt = dbSendQuery(odbc_con, 'select col_2, col_3 from r_dataframe where col_1 > 1');
# Show information (name and type) of
# columns returned by SQL statement.
# name type
# col_2 12
# col_3 12
# Fetch two records
res = dbFetch(stmt, n = 2);
# Fetch remaining records.
res = dbFetch(stmt);
# Apparently, statements that are created
# with dbSendQuery needs to be cleared
# after use (Otherwise, we get the
# warning «In new_result … Cancelling previous query».
# Use dbGetQuery() instead of
# dbSendQuery() followed by dbFetch():
res <- dbGetQuery(odbc_con, 'select col_1, col_2 from r_dataframe');