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Python: statement with

with expr:

with expr as obj:
The with statement expects the expression expr to evaluate to an object that implements the two dunders
__enter__(self) is called on the object that expr evaluates to. The object that __enter__() returns is assigned to the variable obj.
When the with block is exited, the Python interpreter calls __exit__(…) on the object that expr evaluated to.
Typically, __enter__ acquires a resource and __exit__ releases it. Thus, when a resource is used in a with statement, we're sure that the resource will be released when the with block is left. A well known example are files:
with open(…) as f:
     … do something with f

# file will be closed here.

No new scope is established

The with … as var statement does not establish a new scope outside of which var is not visible:
def write_a_line(txt):

with open('test.txt', 'w') as file_h:
   # file_h is visible in function above,
   # outside of this «with block».
     write_a_line('first line')
     write_a_line('second line')

Simple demonstration

The following simple script tries to demonstrate how with works behind the scenes:
class CLS:

  def __init__(self, ident):
      self.ident = ident
      print(f'__init__, ident = {self.ident}')

  def identify(self):
      print(f'I am {self.ident}')
  def __enter__(self):
      print(f'{self.ident}: __enter__')
      return CLS('created in __enter__')

  def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
      print(f'{self.ident}: __exit__')

print('Going to use with statement:')
with CLS('xyz') as obj:

print('Finished with with statement')
Github repository about-python, path: /statements/with/
When executed, the script prints
Going to use with statement:
__init__, ident = xyz
xyz: __enter__
__init__, ident = created in __enter__
I am created in __enter__
xyz: __exit__
Finished with with statement

See also

contextmanager (in the standard library contextlib) is a decorator that turns a Python functions into a context manager.
PEP 343: The with statement.


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