Search notes:
Perl module PDF::API2
use warnings;
use strict;
use PDF::API2;
use constant mm => 25.4 / 72;
use constant in => 1 / 72;
use constant pt => 1;
# use PDF::API2::Util;
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new;
my $font = $pdf->corefont('Courier New');
my $page = $pdf->page;
$page->mediabox( 216/mm , 303/mm ); # A4 with 3 mm border
my $txt_bottom_left = $page->text;
$txt_bottom_left->font( $font, 18/pt );
$txt_bottom_left->translate( 3/mm, 3/mm );
$txt_bottom_left->text("Bottom left");
my $txt_top_right = $page->text;
$txt_top_right->font( $font, 18/pt );
$txt_top_right->translate( 213/mm, 303/mm - 18/pt );
$txt_top_right->text_right("Top right");
$pdf->saveas( "$0.pdf" );
Drawing rectangles and cirles
use warnings;
use strict;
use PDF::API2;
use constant mm => 25.4 / 72;
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new;
my $page = $pdf -> page;
my $gfx = $page -> gfx;
$gfx -> fillcolor('orange');
$gfx -> rect(70/mm, 150/mm, 60/mm, 60/mm);
$gfx -> fill;
$gfx -> fillcolor('darkblue');
$gfx -> circle( 70/mm, 150/mm, 20/mm);
$gfx -> circle(130/mm, 210/mm, 20/mm);
$gfx -> fill;
$pdf -> saveas('rectangles-and-circles.pdf');
$pdf -> end;
Determining text width
use warnings;
use strict;
use PDF::API2;
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new;
my $content = $pdf->page->text;
# Corefonts: see install-dir/PDF/API2/Resource/Font/CoreFont/*.pm
# my $courier_new = $pdf->corefont("Courier New");
# my $helvetica = $pdf->corefont("Helvetica" );
# my $georgia = $pdf->corefont("Georgia" );
# $content->font($courier_new, 20);
# $content->font($helvetica , 20);
# $content->font($georgia , 20);
# TTF Fonts
my $garamond = $pdf->ttfont('/usr/share/fonts/TTF/LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf');
$content->font($garamond, 200);
print_text_width('i' );
print_text_width('Hello World');
# sort_char_widths();
sub sort_char_widths { #_{
my %char_widths;
for my $char ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z') {
$char_widths{$char} = $content->text($char);
for my $char (sort { $char_widths{$a} <=> $char_widths{$b} } keys %char_widths) {
printf "$char: %f\n", $char_widths{$char};
} #_}
sub print_text_width { #_{
my $text = shift;
my $width = $content->text($text);
printf "%-30s %7.2f\n", $text, $width;
} #_}