use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use Math::Random;
use List::Util 'max'; #
my $λ = 41;
my $tests = 100000;
my %result;
my $screen_width = 200;
for (1 .. $tests) {
my $x = Math::Random::random_poisson(undef, $λ); # When called in a scalar context, generates and returns only one such outcome as a scalar, regardless of the value of $n (first paramter
my $max_number = max map { $result{$_} } keys %result;
# Output the graph
for my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } (keys(%result))) {
my $len = int($screen_width * $result{$key}/$max_number);
print(':', '*' x $len, "\n");