use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::LinkExtractor;
my $base_url = 'http://server.xyz/path/to/baseurl.html';
my $html = <<HTML;
<!doctype html>
<title>Simple HTML page</title>
<p>Some text with a <a href="http://renenyffenegger.ch/">link to my homepage</a>.</p>
There are two more links: <ul>
<li>A <a href="../relative.html">relative link</a> and
<li>one to <a href="file:///home/rene/test/foo.html">a local page</a>.
<p><img src='picture.gif'>
my $extractor = HTML::LinkExtractor->new(\&link_found, $base_url);
$extractor -> parse(\$html);
sub link_found {
my $extractor = shift; # not needed here: reference to extractor object
my $link = shift;
my $link_to;
my $text = '';
if ($link->{tag} eq 'a') {
$link_to = $link -> {href};
$text = $link -> {_TEXT};
elsif ($link->{tag} eq 'img') {
$link_to = $link -> {src};
else {
print "unhandled tag $link->{tag}\n";
printf "Found link: %-50s %s\n", $link_to, $text;
Found link: http://renenyffenegger.ch/ <a href="http://renenyffenegger.ch/">link to my homepage</a>
Found link: http://server.xyz/path/relative.html <a href="../relative.html">relative link</a>
Found link: file:///home/rene/test/foo.html <a href="file:///home/rene/test/foo.html">a local page</a>
Found link: http://server.xyz/path/to/picture.gif