Search notes:
Perl module Geo::IP
use warnings;
use strict;
use Geo::IP;
my $ipnr = shift or die;
my $geo_ip = Geo::IP->new( GEOIP_STANDARD) or die;
my $city = Geo::IP->open('/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD) or die;
printf "%s (%s %s)\n",
$geo_ip->country_name_by_addr ($ipnr), # full country name
$geo_ip->country_code_by_addr ($ipnr), # ISO 3166 country code
$geo_ip->country_code3_by_addr($ipnr); #
my $cr = $city->record_by_addr($ipnr);
# my $rec = $geo_ip->record_by_addr($ipnr);
# print join "\n", keys %{$rec};
# 2018-03-10 cr does not seem to be a hash reference anymore.
printf "City: %s %s\n" , $cr->city, $cr->postal_code;
printf "Region: %s %s\n" , $cr->region, $cr->region_name;
printf "Country: %s (%s %s)\n", $cr->country_name, $cr->country_code, $cr->country_code3;
printf "Continent: %s\n" , $cr->continent_code;
printf "lon/lat: %s / %s\n" , $cr->longitude, $cr->latitude;
printf "Metrocde: %s\n" , $cr->metro_code;