Search notes:

Perl module Geo::Coordinates::Transform

use warnings; use strict;
use Geo::Coordinates::Transform;

my $g = Geo::Coordinates::Transform->new();

printf "%s\n", @{$g->cnv_to_dms([ 20.5     ])}[0];   # 20 30 0.00000
printf "%s\n", @{$g->cnv_to_ddm([ 20.5     ])}[0];   # 20 30.00000
printf "%s\n", @{$g->cnv_to_dd (["20 30 0" ])}[0];   # 20.5000000
printf "%s\n", @{$g->cnv_to_dd (["20 30 12"])}[0];   # 20.5033333
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Geo/Coordinates/Transform/

Problem with small numbers

use warnings; use strict;
use Geo::Coordinates::Transform;

my $g = Geo::Coordinates::Transform->new();

print  "\n\n";

print  ${$g->cnv_to_dms([ '0.0000999' ])}[0];   # 0 0 0.35964
print  "\n";
print  ${$g->cnv_to_dms([ '0.0001000' ])}[0];   # 0 0 0.36000

print  "\n\n";

print  ${$g->cnv_to_dms([  0.0000999  ])}[0];   # NaN         (and Illegal char in 9.99e-005 at .../site/lib/Geo/Coordinates/ line 71.)
print  "\n";
print  ${$g->cnv_to_dms([  0.0001000  ])}[0];   # 0 0 0.36000

print  "\n\n";
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Geo/Coordinates/Transform/

See also

Perl modules


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