Search notes:
Perl module File::Basename
# Compare fileparse() with File::Spec->splitpath
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
printf("%-20s : %-12s | %s\n", 'path', 'dirname', 'basename');
printf("%-20s : %-12s | %s\n", '----', '-------', '--------');
base_and_dirname('/' );
base_and_dirname('/tmp' );
base_and_dirname('/tmp/' );
base_and_dirname('/tmp/abc' );
base_and_dirname('/tmp/abc/' );
base_and_dirname('/tmp/abc/def' );
base_and_dirname('tmp/abc/def.txt' );
# path : dirname | basename
# ---- : ------- | --------
# / : / | /
# /tmp : / | tmp
# /tmp/ : / | tmp
# /tmp/abc : /tmp | abc
# /tmp/abc/ : /tmp | abc
# /tmp/abc/def : /tmp/abc | def
# /tmp/abc/def.txt : /tmp/abc | def.txt
# tmp/abc/def.txt : tmp/abc | def.txt
my $file = 'foo/bar/';
my ($name, $path, $suffix);
print "\n Without Suffixlist\n\n";
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file);
print "name: $name\npath: $path\nsuffix: $suffix\n";
# name:
# path: foo/bar/
# suffix:
print "\n With Suffixlist, excluding pl\n\n";
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, ('.bat', '.exe'));
print "name: $name\npath: $path\nsuffix: $suffix\n";
# name:
# path: foo/bar/
# suffix:
print "\n With Suffixlist, including pl\n\n";
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, ('.bat', '.exe', '.pl'));
print "name: $name\npath: $path\nsuffix: $suffix\n";
# name: script
# path: foo/bar/
# suffix: .pl
print "\n With Suffixlist and regular expression\n\n";
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.]*$/);
print "name: $name\npath: $path\nsuffix: $suffix\n";
# name: script
# path: foo/bar/
# suffix: .pl
sub base_and_dirname {
my $path = shift;
printf ("%-20s : %-12s | %s\n", $path, dirname($path), basename($path));
Determining filename and directory name from path
Unfortunately, dirname()
and basename()
think that the directory of the path /tmp
is /
and the file is tmp
(even if the path is /tmp/
A better way to determine the directory name and the file name from a path seems to be
(my $filename) = $full_path =~ m!/([^/]+)$!;
(my $dirname ) = $full_path =~ m!(.*)/[^/]+$!;