Search notes:

Perl module Email::Stuffer

use warnings;
use strict;

use Email::Stuffer;
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;

my $sender_mail_address    = shift;
my $smtp_server            = shift;
my $recipient_mail_address = shift;
my $subject                = shift;
my $filename               = shift;
my $auth_passwd            = shift;

Email::Stuffer ->
  from       ( $sender_mail_address     ) ->
  to         ( $recipient_mail_address  ) ->
  subject    ( $subject                 ) ->
# bcc        ( $blind_copy              ) ->
  text_body  ("Hi\n\nAttached is a file") ->
  attach_file( $filename                ) ->
  transport  ( Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new({
                 host             => $smtp_server,
               # port             =>  25,
                 sasl_username    => $sender_mail_address, # ?
                 sasl_password    => $auth_passwd })
->send or die "sending of mail failed $!";
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Email/Stuffer/

See also

Emailing executables
Perl modules.


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