The following example intends to demonstrate how readers don't block writers and writers don't block readers if journal_mode is set to WAL (Write-Ahead Log).
First, two connections to the database are established, one for writing access and one for reading access.
The writing connection creates a table and inserts three records and commits them.
Then, the reading connection iterates over these records with a select * from. After each fetch of a record, the writing connection inserts a record and commits it. The reading connection won't see these records.
After the first select * from, the reading connection does it again. This time, it sees the records that were inserted.
It is suggested trying to comment the lines where the pragma is enabled. It might cause dead locks.
use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
my $db_file = '/tmp/write-while-reading.db';
unlink $db_file if -e $db_file;
my $dbh_writer = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file") or die "Could not create $db_file";
my $dbh_reader = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file") or die "Could not create $db_file";
# Entering WAL mode so that readers don't block writers and
# writers don't block readers.
# Apparently, AutoCommit needs to be turned off
# after entering WAL mode.
$dbh_writer->{AutoCommit} = 0;
# A reader does not really start a transaction.
# $dbh_reader->{AutoCommit} = 0;
# Uncomment the following two lines and get a dead lock.
$dbh_writer->do('begin transaction');
$dbh_writer->do('create table a (b, c)');
my $sth_insert = $dbh_writer->prepare('insert into a values(?, ?)');
$sth_insert->execute(1, 'one' );
$sth_insert->execute(3, 'three');
$sth_insert->execute(5, 'five' );
my $sth_select = $dbh_reader->prepare('select * from a');
print "\n1st iteration\n";
while (my $r = $sth_select->fetchrow_hashref) {
printf " %2d %s\n", $r->{b}, $r->{c};
$sth_insert->execute(2, 'two' ) if $r->{b} == 1;
$sth_insert->execute(4, 'four') if $r->{b} == 3;
$sth_insert->execute(6, 'six' ) if $r->{b} == 5;
print "\n\n2nd iteration\n";
$sth_select = $dbh_reader->prepare('select * from a');
while (my $r = $sth_select->fetchrow_hashref) {
printf " %2d %s\n", $r->{b}, $r->{c};
# $dbh->do('commit');
sub enter_wal_mode {
my $dbh = shift;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('pragma journal_mode = WAL');
my @r=$sth->fetchrow;
# pragma returns 'wal' if successful.
# die if pragma was not changed.
die unless $r[0] eq 'wal';