This simple script encrypts and decrypts a file. When the file name ends in .crypt
, it is decrypted, otherwise, it is encrypted. When the is encrypted, the script appends .crypt
to the filename.
When run, the script needs the environment variable TQ84_CBCCRYPTPASSWORD
I have no idea if the script is cryptographically secure. Feedback would be very welcome.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Crypt::CBC;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -key can be any number of characters; the actual key will be derived by
# passing the passphrase through a series of MD5 hash operations. To take
# full advantage of a given block cipher, the length of the passphrase should
# be at least equal to the cipher's blocksize.
my $password = $ENV{TQ84_CBCCRYPTPASSWORD} or die "Env Variable TQ84_CBCCRYPTPASSWORD not set";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $filename_in = shift or die "Filename not specified";
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC -> new ( -key => $password,
-cipyer => 'blowfish',
-salt => 1);
my $filename_out;
if ($filename_in =~ /(.*)\.crypt/) {
$filename_out = $1;
print "Decrypting to $filename_out\n";
$cipher -> start('decrypting');
else {
$filename_out = "$filename_in.crypt";
print "Encrypting to $filename_out\n";
$cipher -> start('encrypting');
die "$filename_out exists" if -f $filename_out;
open (my $f_in , '<', $filename_in ) or die "could not open $filename_in";
open (my $f_out, '>', $filename_out) or die "could not open $filename_in";
binmode $f_in;
binmode $f_out;
my $buf;
while (read($f_in, $buf, 1024)) {
print $f_out $cipher->crypt($buf);
print $f_out $cipher->finish;
close $f_in;
close $f_out;
unlink $filename_in or die "Could not delete $filename_in";
print "$filename_in deleted\n";