Search notes:


npm is the default node package manager for Node.js and is automatically installed along with Node.js.
The three main components of npm are

Installing npm

curl -qL | sh
Note to self: do not be attempted to install like shown below, it will (as of 2023-03-29) install node version 12 (while version 18 is the current one):
sudo apt install nodejs npm -y


nvm (node version manager) is recommended to install Node.js and npm.

Packages and modules

About packages and modules says:


A package is (see npm help install)
  • a) a folder containing a program described by a npm help package.json file
  • b) a gzipped tarball containing (a)
  • c) a url that resolves to (b)
  • d) a <name>@<version> that is published on the registry (see npm help registry) with (c)
  • e) a <name>@<tag> (see npm help dist-tag) that points to (d)
  • f) a <name> that has a "latest" tag satisfying (e)
  • g) a <git remote url> that resolves to (a)

Installing packages

npm allows to install packages, for example SQLite:
npm install sqlite3
npm is also the preferred way to install Yarn which is another package manager:
npm install --global yarn
sudo should not be used to globally install packages. Therefore, the npm installation directory need to be made accessible before installing package:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules}


npm [command]
access Set access level published packages
bin Display bin folder (for example node_modules/.bin appended to the current working directory, or when combined with -g the «global» bin directory /usr/local/bin). Compare with prefix and root
cache Manipulate package cache (see also ~/.npm/_cacache/)
ci Install a project with a clean slate
config Manage configuration files
dedupe Reduce duplication. Aliases are find-dupes and ddp
diff Registry diff
docs Open documentation in a web browser
doctor Check environment
edit Edit an installed package
exec Run a command from a local or remote npm package (compare with npx)
explain Explain installed packages
init Creates a package.json file
install Installs a package (including the packages it depends on)
link Symlink a package folder
login Add a registry user account
ls List installed packages. An alias for ls is list.
org Manage orgs, see
owner Manage package owners
pack Create a tarball from a package
ping Ping npm registry
prefix Show prefix (for example the current working directory, or when combined with -g the «global» directory /usr/local). Compare with bin and root
profile Change settings on registry profile
publish Publishes a package
rebuild Rebuilds a package
repo Opens package repository in browser
restart Restarts a package. Compare with start
root Shows npm root (for example node_modules appended to current working directory, or when combined with -g, the «global» directory /usr/local/lib/node_modules). Compare with prefix and bin
run-script Add node_modules/.bin to PATH and then runs an arbitrary package script with /bin/sh or cmd.exe. Aliases are run, rum and urn.
search Searches for packages, prints name, description, author, date, version and keywords.
set-script Set tasks in the script section of package.json.
shrinkwrap Lock down dependency version for publication
star Mark favorite packages. Favorite packages can be viewed with stars and unstar
stars View packages that were marked with star
start Start a package by running the command specified in the start property of the package.json file. If such a command is not specified, npm will run node server.js. Compare with restart
stop Stops a package
team Manage organization teams and memberships
test Runs the command specified in the {"scripts": {"test": …"}} property of package.json.
token Manage authentication tokens
version Bumps the version of a package


npx runs a command from a local (node_modules/.bin) or remote (/usr/local/bin and %APPDATA/npm?) npm package. npx is depracated (and its functionality seems to be provided by npm exec)
Compare to yarn.
npm help shrinkwrap
For npm init xyz, xyz is considered package initializer. This seems to be a JSON file located at

Package visibility/scope

A package's scope determines its visibility (aka access level).
Scope is one
Org Allows to specifiy team members
User Grants are given to users (not team members)
Access level is:
public Everyone can download and view packages
private Only owners or team embers/users granted read can download and view packages. Only team members with write right or users given write right or package owners can publish a package.
There is no unscoped private scope. Thus, there are five possible combinations of scope and access levels.
The name of the scope can optionally appear as first part of a package name: @orgname/packagename.

See also

npm configuration file
Azure Artifacts


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