access | Set access level published packages |
adduser | |
audit | |
bin | Display bin folder (for example node_modules/.bin appended to the current working directory, or when combined with -g the «global» bin directory /usr/local/bin ). Compare with prefix and root |
bugs | |
cache | Manipulate package cache (see also ~/.npm/_cacache/ ) |
ci | Install a project with a clean slate |
completion | |
config | Manage configuration files |
dedupe | Reduce duplication. Aliases are find-dupes and ddp |
deprecate | |
diff | Registry diff |
dist-tag | |
docs | Open documentation in a web browser |
doctor | Check environment |
edit | Edit an installed package |
exec | Run a command from a local or remote npm package (compare with npx ) |
explain | Explain installed packages |
explore | |
find-dupes | |
fund | |
get | |
help | |
hook | |
init | Creates a package.json file |
install | Installs a package (including the packages it depends on) |
install-ci-test | |
install-test | |
link | Symlink a package folder |
ll | |
login | Add a registry user account |
logout | |
ls | List installed packages. An alias for ls is list . |
org | Manage orgs, see |
outdated | |
owner | Manage package owners |
pack | Create a tarball from a package |
ping | Ping npm registry |
prefix | Show prefix (for example the current working directory, or when combined with -g the «global» directory /usr/local ). Compare with bin and root |
profile | Change settings on registry profile |
prune | |
publish | Publishes a package |
rebuild | Rebuilds a package |
repo | Opens package repository in browser |
restart | Restarts a package. Compare with start |
root | Shows npm root (for example node_modules appended to current working directory, or when combined with -g , the «global» directory /usr/local/lib/node_modules ). Compare with prefix and bin |
run-script | Add node_modules/.bin to PATH and then runs an arbitrary package script with /bin/sh or cmd.exe . Aliases are run , rum and urn . |
search | Searches for packages, prints name, description, author, date, version and keywords. |
set | |
set-script | Set tasks in the script section of package.json . |
shrinkwrap | Lock down dependency version for publication |
star | Mark favorite packages. Favorite packages can be viewed with stars and unstar |
stars | View packages that were marked with star |
start | Start a package by running the command specified in the start property of the package.json file. If such a command is not specified, npm will run node server.js . Compare with restart |
stop | Stops a package |
team | Manage organization teams and memberships |
test | Runs the command specified in the {"scripts": {"test": …"}} property of package.json . |
token | Manage authentication tokens |
uninstall | |
unpublish | |
unstar | |
update | |
version | Bumps the version of a package |
view | |
whoami | |