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A hypervisor allows a single server to run multiple virtual machines, each with their own operation system, independently from each other.
A virtual machine submits requests for resources to the hypervisor, and the hypervisor coordinates the access to the physical providers of these resources.
Because virtual machines share the same physical server, the efficiency of data centers can be improved by reducing

Level 1 and level 2 hypervisors

A level 2 hypervisor is an application that runs inside an existing OS.
A level 1 hypervisor is the OS itself.
Examples of level 1 hypervisors include
Examples of level 2 hypervisors include
Because Hyper-V is a level 1 hypervisor, it means that Windows 10, once Hyper-V is enabled, the OS itself becomes a virtual machine.


get-computerInfo | select-object *hyper*
