Search notes:

SQLite: collate

The thee available collations are nocase, binary and rtrim.

Case sensitive and case insensitive queries

With collate binary and collate nocase, a comparison can be instructed to either be made case insensitive or case sensitive.
Note, however, that like expressions are not affected by collate binary.
create table tab (
  col_default text, -- Default: collate binary
  col_nocase  text collate nocase,
  col_etc     text

insert into tab values ('one', 'one', 'Etc one etc');
insert into tab values ('One', 'One', 'Etc One etc');
insert into tab values ('ONE', 'ONE', 'Etc ONE etc');
insert into tab values ('foo', 'foo', 'Etc foo etc');

.print ----
select * from tab where col_default = 'One';
-- One|One|Etc One etc

.print ----
select * from tab where col_default = 'One' collate nocase;
-- one|one|Etc one etc
-- One|One|Etc One etc
-- ONE|ONE|Etc ONE etc

.print ----
select * from tab where col_nocase = 'One';
-- one|one|Etc one etc
-- One|One|Etc One etc
-- ONE|ONE|Etc ONE etc

.print ----
select * from tab where col_nocase = 'One' collate binary;
-- One|One|Etc One etc

.print ----
select * from tab where col_etc like '%one%';
-- one|one|Etc one etc
-- One|One|Etc One etc
-- ONE|ONE|Etc ONE etc

.print ----
select * from tab where col_etc like '%one%' collate binary;
-- one|one|Etc one etc
-- One|One|Etc One etc
-- ONE|ONE|Etc ONE etc
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /sql/expressions/collate/select.sql
See also specifying collation for columns when creating a table.

See also

