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SQLite shell

Command line invocations

sqlite3 [options] db-filename [SQL statement]

Other options

-A ARGS… run .archive ARGS and exit
-append append the database to the end of the file
-bail stop after hitting an error
-batch force batch I/O
-cmd COMMAND run COMMAND before reading stdin
-echo print commands before execution
-init FILENAME read/process named file
-[no]header turn headers on or off
-help show this message
-interactive force interactive I/O
-lookaside SIZE N use N entries of SZ bytes for lookaside memory
-markdown set output mode to markdown.
-memtrace trace all memory allocations and deallocations
-mmap N default mmap size set to N
-newline SEP set output row separator (default: \n).
-nofollow refuse to open symbolic links to database files
-nullvalue TEXT set text string for NULL values. Default is the empty string ('').
-pagecache SIZE N use N slots of SZ bytes each for page cache memory
-readonly open the database read-only
-separator SEP set output column separator. Default: |
-stats print memory stats before each finalize
-table set output mode to table. With this setting, SQLite needs to process the entire resultset before it outputs it in order to determine the individual result column's widths.
-version show SQLite version. Compare with the SQLite shell dot command .version. The version is also printed when the SQLite shell is started.
-vfs NAME use NAME as the default VFS
-zip open the file as a ZIP Archive

Options to set output mode/format

The following options set the output mode (i. e. format): -ascii, -box, -column, -csv, -html, -json, -line, -list, -quote

Redirecting a script into the SQLite executable

An SQL script can be redirected into the SQLite executable, for example in PowerShell like so
get-content sql-script.sql | sqlite3.exe
See also the -cmd COMMAND command line option and the executescript() method of Python's sqlite3 module.

Run one (or more) commands, then exit

$ sqlite3 my.db  'select … from …' .exit
Run a script
$ sqlite3 my.db  '.read myScript.sql' .exit

Some interesting dot commands

Dot commands modify some of the shell's setting or execute a non-SQL action.
These commands are called dot commands because they start with a dot.
Some interesting dot commands, imho, include:
.open some.db, .open --new some.db --new deletes contents of some.db if it exists.
.read filename execute SQL statements in filename.
.exit, .quit to terminate an SQLite session
.shell cmd executes cmd in a shell.
.headers on, .headers off
.mode specifices the format in which a result set is returned. It recognizes the following formats: csv, column, html, insert, line, list (which is the default), quote, tabs, tcl and box. When using .mode column (which produces a tabular output), the widths of the individual columns might be adjusted with .width n m n o … (where n, m …) specifiy the column widths s in characters.
.print Message
.output file.txt sends output to file.txt
.dump to export and import a database.
.timer on, .timer off
.show Report the values for some settings such as col- and row separator, the filename of the opened database etc.
.changes on automatically calls changes() and total_changes() after each statement.
.eqp on, .eqp off Turn on/off automatic explain query plan mode. If turned on, the shell will automatically run an explain query plan for each statement entered and display the plan.
.version Prints the version of the engine, zlib and the compiler with which the engine was compiled. Compare with the command line option --version

Describing schema, tables etc.

Commands that can be used to find schema object or describe tables include:
  • .schema
  • .fullschema
  • .tables
  • .tables %part_of_table_name%

Get columns of a table

.header on
.width 2 30 10 4 4
.mode columns
pragma table_info('table_name');


.load to load a DLL or a shared object in order to add more functionality to SQLite.

See also

