Search notes:

SQLite: indices

Covering indices

A covering index is an index that contains all data for a specific select statement. In such a case, SQLite doesn't have to visit the indexed table:
create table tq84_data (
  col1 text,
  col2 text,
  col3 text,
  col4 text

create index tq84_ix_covering on tq84_data(col1, col2, col3);

explain query plan
select col3 from tq84_data
  col1 = 'foo' and
  col2 = 'bar';
--  0|0|0|SEARCH TABLE tq84_data USING COVERING INDEX tq84_ix_covering (col1=? AND col2=?)

drop table tq84_data;
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /indices/covering-index.sql


It's not possible to create indices on virtual tables in SQLite;

See also

Force using a specific index
