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SQL Server: services

Executable Account name
SQL Server Database Engine sqlservr.exe NT Service\MSSQLSERVER
SQL Server Agent SQLAGENT.EXE NT Service\SQLSERVERAGENT Executes scheduled administrative tasks (known as jobs and alerts in SQL Server 2017).
SQL Server Analysis Services msmdsrv.exe NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService
Reporting Services ReportingServicesService.exe
Integration Services MsDtsSrvr.exe
SQL Server Launchpad NT Service\MSSQLLaunchpad Launchpad executes satellite processes such as the R Services or Machine Learning Services.
SQL Server Browser sqlbrowser.exe NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE A name resolution service that provides information to clients about installed instances.
Full Text Search Creates full-text indexes on structured and semistructured documents.
SQL Writer Allows backup and restore applications to operate in the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) framework.
SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller Provides trace replay orchestration across multiple Distributed Replay client computers.
SQL Server PolyBase Engine Distributed queries to external data sources
SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement Service Move data between SQL Server and external data sources and between SQL nodes in PolyBase Scaleout Groups.
SQL Server CEIP Service sqlceip.exe NT Service\SQLTELEMETRY

Find SQL Server services with PowerShell

Services that are related to SQL Server seem to have a display name that starts with SQL Server. Thus, in PowerShell, this set of services can be queried with the following pipeline
get-service | where-object displayName -match '^SQL Server' | format-table -autosize
Note the caret (^) in the -match operator that specifies to match the beginning of the text. Thus, Services like postgresql-x64-11 - PostgreSQL Server 11, that would otherwise match, are excluded from the result set.

Service states

The state of a service is displayed in Configuration Manager and Management Studio:
state Configuration Manager Management Studio
started green arrow white arrow on green circle
stopped red square white square on red circle
paused two vertical blue lines two vertical white lines on blue circle

Start and stop services

The state of a service might be changed with the SQL Server configuration manager (SQLServerManager….msc).
In a console (cmd.exe, PowerShell), a service can be started or stopped with net.exe.
Startup options can be added at the end of the command (with slashes (/) rather than hyphens (-):
net start "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" /f /m
net start MSSQLSERVER /f /m
Then, there is also the T-SQL statement shutdown.

See also



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