Search notes:

SQL Server: sys.sql_modules

sys.sql_modules stores the definition of object that are defined with SQL (such as a view or a stored procedure).
select          sch,          obj_name,
   obj.type          obj_type,
-- obj.type_desc     obj_type_desc,
   mod.definition    mod_definition,
   obj.modify_date   obj_mod_dt,
   obj.object_id     obj_id
   sys.objects       obj                                   join
   sys.sql_modules   mod on obj.object_id = mod.object_id  join
   sys.schemas       sch on obj.schema_id = sch.schema_id
   lower( = 'tq84_ect' and
   lower( = 'dbo'
-- object_id = object_id('nameOfObject');  
TODO 2024-02-22: there are stored procedures whose definitions are null if selected with this statement.

See also

Showing object definitions
The sys schema.


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