Search notes:

Oracle: V$LOCK

This view stores all information relating to locks (aka enqueues) in the database. The interesting columns in this view are SID (identifying the session holding or aquiring the lock), TYPE, and the LMODE/REQUEST pair.
Important possible values of type are TM (DML or Table Lock), TX (Transaction), MR (Media Recovery), ST (Disk Space Transaction) and UL (user lock which are acquired using dbms_lock)
Exactly one of the lmode, request pair is either 0 or 1 while the other indicates the lock mode. If lmode is not 0 or 1, then the session has aquired the lock, while it waits to acquire the lock if request is other than 0 or 1. The possible values for lmode and request are:
If the lock type is TM, the column id1 is the object's id and the name of the object can then be queried like so:
select name from sys.obj$ where obj# = id1;
A lock type of JI indicates that a materialized view is being refreshed.
with lock_mode as (
   select 0 id, ''              descr from dual union all
   select 1 id, 'NULL'          descr from dual union all
   select 2 id, 'row-S (SS)'    descr from dual union all
   select 3 id, 'row-X (SX)'    descr from dual union all
   select 4 id, 'share (S)'     descr from dual union all
   select 5 id, 'S/Row-X (SSX)' descr from dual union all
   select 6 id, 'exclusive (X)' descr from dual
   ob1.owner                               obj_1_owner,
   ob1.object_name                         obj_1_name,
   ob2.owner                               obj_2_owner,
   ob2.object_name                         obj_2_name,
   lmh.descr                               lock_mode_held_by_session,
   nvl(lmr.descr, lck.request)             lock_mode_requested_by_process,
   case lkt.id1_tag
        when 'object #'  then 
              ob1.owner || '.' ||
              ob1.object_name ||
              ' (' || ob1.object_type || ')'
        else lkt.id1_tag || ': ' || lck.id1        
   end                                     id1,
   case lkt.id2_tag
        when 'object #'  then 
              ob2.owner || '.' ||
              ob2.object_name ||
              ' (' || ob2.object_type || ')'
        else lkt.id2_tag || ': ' || lck.id2        
   end                                     id2,
     0, 'not blocking other processes',
     1,     'blocking other processes',
     2,     'not blocking on local node',
            '? ' || lck.block)             lock_blocking,
   lck.type                                lock_type,                                lock_type_name,
   lck.ctime                               lock_granted_cs_ago,
   lkt.description                         lock_type_description,
-- lck.con_id                              lock_container_id,
-- lkt.con_id                              lock_type_container_id,
-- lkt.is_recycle,
   v$lock                 lck                                 left join
   v$lock_type            lkt on lck.type    = lkt.type       left join
   lock_mode              lmh on lck.lmode   =         left join
   lock_mode              lmr on lck.request =         left join
   v$session              ses on lck.sid     = ses.sid        left join
   dba_objects            ob1 on lck.id1     = ob1.object_id  left join
   dba_objects            ob2 on lck.id2     = ob2.object_id
order by
   decode (lck.block, 1, 0, 1)
Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /Installed/dynamic-performance-views/lock/general-information.sql

See also

v$lock_type, v$locked_object
Oracle Dynamic Performance Views


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