v$bh describes each buffer in the buffer cache. More accurately, v$bh exposes the information that is stored in buffer headers (bh actually stands for buffer header).
bh.status bh_status,
bh.dirty bh_dirty,
-- free Not currently in use
-- xcur Exclusive
-- scur Shared current
-- cr Consistent read
-- read Being read from disk
-- mrec In media recovery mode
-- irec In instance recovery mode
-- et.owner seg_owner, et.segment_name seg_name,
-- bh.objd bh_objd,
ob.owner obj_owner, ob.object_name obj_name, ob.object_type obj_type,
bh.block# bh_block#, bh.file# bh_file#,
count(* ) over (partition by bh.file#, bh.block#) cnt_of_same_block,
count(case when bh.status = 'xcur' then 1 end) over (partition by bh.file#, bh.block#) cnt_of_same_block_xcur,
-- count(*) over () cnt_blocks,
bh.cachehint bh_cachehint,
bh.cell_flash_cache bh_cell_flash_cache,
-- bh.class# bh_class#,
1, 'data block' ,
2, 'sort block' ,
3, 'save undo block' ,
4, 'segment header' ,
5, 'save undo header' ,
6, 'free list' ,
7, 'extent map' ,
8, '1st level bitmap block',
9, '2nd level bitmap block',
10, '3rd level bitmap block',
11, 'bitmap block' ,
12, 'bitmap index block' ,
13, 'file header block' ,
14, 'unused' , -- Fetched with scattered read but not used. See Kun Sun, Oracle Database Tuning, p.11
15, 'system undo header' ,
16, 'system undo block' ,
17, 'undo header' ,
18, 'undo block') bh_class,
bh.direct bh_direct,
bh.flash_cache bh_flash_cache,
bh.lobid bh_lobid,
bh.lock_element_addr bh_lock_element_addr, -- Address of the lock element that is locking this buffer
-- Multiple buffers be protected by the same lock (same address)
-- When multiple buffers are protected by the same PCM lock,
-- false collisions can occur between the buffers.
bh.lock_element_class bh_lock_element_class,
bh.lock_element_name bh_lock_element_name,
bh.ping bh_ping,
bh.stale bh_stale,
bh.temp bh_temp,
bh.ts# bh_ts#,
-- bh.new bh_new, -- obsolete, always 'N'
-- bh.xnc bh_xnc, -- obsolete, always 0
-- bh.forced_reads bh_forced_reads, -- obsolete, always 0
-- bh.forced_writes bh_forced_writes, -- obsolete, always 0
bh.con_id bh_con_id
v$bh bh /* left join
dba_extents et on bh.file# = et.file_id and
bh.block# between et.block_id and et.block_id + et.blocks */ left join
dba_objects ob on bh.objd = ob.object_id
-- bh.status not in ('xcur', 'cr', 'free')
-- ob.object_name = '...'
-- bh.class# = 2
order by
cnt_of_same_block_xcur desc,
cnt_of_same_block desc,
bh.status desc,
Count number of blocks of objects in the buffer cache
to_char((select count(*) from v$bh), '999,999,999') cnt_bh,
bytes/(select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size')
name = 'Buffer Cache Size'
), '999,999,999') buf_cache_size
Buffers in the flash cache have status like 'flash%' (MOS Note 1431603.1)
Max value for _db_block_hash_latches if db_cache_size is set
MOS Note 334119.1 says that _db_block_hash_latches cannot be more than twice the number of blocks in the buffer cache if db_cache_size is set, otherwise select … from v$bh results in ORA-07445.