Search notes:

Oracle: X$KSMLRU

x$ksmlru lists some figures about flushing out of objects from the Shared Pool because another object required the flushed out object's memory.
This table always has eight (?) records although the data of the records is reset to zero when this table is queried.
It is unclear to me, if x$ksmlru lists the eight biggest memory chunks or the eight most recent object since this table was last queried.
  lru.addr                       addr,
  lru.indx                       indx,
  lru.inst_id                    inst_id,
  lru.con_id                     con_id,
  lru.ksmlridx                   ksmlridx,
  lru.ksmlrdur                   ksmlrdur,
  lru.ksmlrshrpool               ksmlrshrpool,
  lru.ksmlrcom                   ksmlrcom,
  lru.ksmlrsiz                   size_of_loaded_object,
  lru.ksmlrnum                   nof_objects_flushed,
  lru.ksmlrhon                   ksmlrhon,
  lru.ksmlrohv                   ksmlrohv,
  lru.ksmlrses                   addr_session,             -- Join with x$ksuse
  lru.ksmlradu                   ksmlradu,
  lru.ksmlrnid                   ksmlrnid,
  lru.ksmlrnsd                   ksmlrnsd,
  lru.ksmlrncd                   ksmlrncd,
  lru.ksmlrned                   ksmlrned
  x$ksmlru lru;

See also

fixed tables


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