Search notes:

Oracle SQL: NULL values in aggregation functions

Most aggregate functions do not ignore NULL values.
The three exceptions are:
When applying an aggregation function over an empty set (for example select avg(x) from tab where 1 = 2), the function evaluates to NULL except for
The following snippet examines the influence of null values in combination with aggregate functions:
create table tq84_nulls_in_aggregate (
  a number,
  b varchar2(10)

insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (null, 'A');
insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (   1, 'A');
insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (   2, 'A');

insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (   3, 'B');
insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (   4, 'B');
insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (   5, 'B');

insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (null, 'C');
insert into tq84_nulls_in_aggregate values (null, 'C');

  sum  (a),
  avg  (a),
  sum  (a) / count(a)  avg_,
group by

drop table tq84_nulls_in_aggregate purge;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQL/select/aggregate/nulls.sql

See also

aggregate function


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