-- Found on https://github.com/timwarnock/sqlpath
-- Creates a file with the source text of the code
-- passed as first argument. The suffix of the file
-- is .sql
-- If the code consists of a spec and a body, the
-- created file will contain both.
set feedback off
set heading off
set termout off
set linesize 1000
set trimspool on
set verify off
spool &1..sql
prompt set define off
select decode( type||'-'||to_char(line,'fm99999'),
'PACKAGE BODY-1', '/'||chr(10),
null) ||
decode(line,1,'create or replace ', '' ) ||
text text
from user_source
where name = upper('&&1')
order by type, line;
prompt /
prompt set define on
spool off
set feedback on
set heading on
set termout on
set linesize 120