Used to declare variables, constants, types etc. that are used in this block und embeded sub blocks. These declared items are not available in enclosing blocks.
the executable part of the block contains a series of PL/SQL statements.
exception handler
technically part of the body: where execution is transferred to when an error occurs.
Blocks can be nested: a block's body (and exception handler because they're part of the body) can contain any number of nested sub-blocks.
<<tq84>> -- This block has the (optional) label TQ84
declare -- The declare section. Here, it
v1 number; -- declares the variable v1
begin -- Start of the body.
v1 := 7/3; -- The body contains the statements to
dbms_output.put_line(v1); -- be executed.
exception -- Exception hander: used to
when others then -- manage errors.
dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); -- The exception handler consists of
raise; -- statements as well.
end; -- End of the block.
Exception handler
After the exception handler is finished with execution, the next statement that is executed is the statement that follows the exception handler in its enclosing block.
If there is no enclosing block, execution is transferred to the invoker or the host environment.
Two noteworthy functions to be used in the exception handler are