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Oracle Data Cartridge Interface example: Multiplication table

This is a simple example of how the Oracle Data Cartridge table interface can be implemented.
The pipelined table tq84_odci.multiplication_table(r, c) returns a dynamic multiplication table with r+1 rows and c+1 columns:


spec.plsql creates the tq84_odci type:
create or replace type tq84_odci
   authid definer
as object (

    rec_desc         anytype,
    nof_rows         integer,
    nof_cols         integer,
    r_current        integer,
 -- multiplication_table returns a multiplication table with r+1 rows and c+1
 -- columns.
 -- In the type body, there is no method named multiplication_table, rather,
 -- behind the scenes, ODCITableDescribe and so forth are called to
 -- determine table strcture (rec_desc) and fill the returned records
 -- with values.
    static function multiplication_table(
       r in number,
       c in number
    return anydataset pipelined using tq84_odci,

 -- Constructor. Called in odciTablePrepare.
 -- Returned object assigned to scan context (sctx)
    constructor function tq84_odci(
       self in out nocopy tq84_odci,
       rowTypes in anytype,
       r        in integer,
       c        in integer) return self as result,
 -- odciTableDescribe: determine number of columns of result
 -- set and their data types. Return this information
 -- through rec_desc.
    static function odciTableDescribe(
        rec_desc       out nocopy anytype,
        r               in        integer,
        c               in        integer
    return number,
    static function odciTablePrepare (
         sctx           out nocopy tq84_odci,
         tab_func_info  in         sys.ODCITabFuncInfo,
         r              in         integer,
         c              in         integer
    return number,

    static function odciTableStart(
         sctx           in out nocopy tq84_odci,
         r              in            integer,
         c              in            integer
    return number,
 -- Fetch one (or more) records and create the associated data:
    member function odciTableFetch   (
       self             in out nocopy tq84_odci,
       nofRowsExpected  in            number,
       record_out      out     nocopy anyDataSet
    return number,
    member function odciTableClose(
       self in tq84_odci
    return number


show errors
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /misc/ODCI/table/multiplication/spec.plsql


body.plsql creates the type's body:
create or replace type body tq84_odci as

    constructor function tq84_odci( -- {
       self     in out nocopy tq84_odci,
       rowTypes in anytype,
       r        in integer,
       c        in integer
    ) return self as result

        rec_desc  := rowTypes;
        nof_rows  := r;
        nof_cols  := c;
        r_current := 0;


    end tq84_odci; -- }

    static function odciTableDescribe( -- {
            rec_desc     out nocopy anytype,
            r             in        integer,
            c             in        integer
    ) return number is

      colTypes anytype;
    -- Dynamically create a type (colTypes) whose attributes correspond
    -- to the columns of the table that is to be returned.
       anytype.beginCreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, colTypes);

    -- Special treatment of first column/attribute
       colTypes.addAttr( -- {
              aname     =>'X',
              typecode  => dbms_types.typecode_varchar2,
              prec      => null,
              scale     => null,
              len       =>   11,
              csid      => null,
              csfrm     => null
       ); -- }

    -- Add rest of attributes
       for i in 2 .. c+1 loop -- {

              aname     =>'Y_' || (i-1),
              typecode  => dbms_types.typecode_varchar2,
              prec      => null,
              scale     => null,
              len       =>   11,
              csid      => null,
              csfrm     => null

       end loop; -- }
    -- Done adding attributes

    -- Now, after creating the record structure, A nested table containing
    -- the types needs to be created:
       anytype.beginCreate(dbms_types.typecode_table, rec_desc);
       rec_desc.setinfo( -- {
            prec        => null,
            scale       => null,
            len         => null,
            csid        => null,
            csfrm       => null,
            atype       => colTypes,
            elem_tc     => dbms_types.typecode_table,
            elem_count  => 0
       ); -- }

      return odciconst.success;

    exception when others then
        return odciconst.error;
    end odciTableDescribe; -- }

    static function odciTablePrepare( -- {
        sctx          out nocopy tq84_odci,
        tab_func_info in         sys.odciTabFuncInfo,
        r             in         integer,
        c             in         integer
    return number
 -- Create an actual instance of tq84_odci
     -- Same type as was defined in odciTableDescribe.
     -- Will be assigned below from tab_func_info.retType
        record_desc  anytype;

        prec         pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
        scale        pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
        len          pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
        csid         pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
        csfrm        pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
        aname        varchar2(30); -- only used for function call
        dummy        pls_integer ; -- only used for function call


     -- With GetAttrElemInfo, I can get the record_structure that was created in odciTableDescribe.
     -- This record_structure is returned in the out parameter record_desc.
     -- The parameters prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm and aname are ignored.
        dummy := tab_func_info.retType.getAttrElemInfo(null, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, record_desc, aname);

     -- Ready to construct an instance of tq84_odci.
     -- The first parameter will be stored in the member rec_desc, the second in row_was_returned.

        sctx := tq84_odci(record_desc, r+1, c+1);

        return odciconst.success;
    end odciTablePrepare; -- }

    static function odciTableStart(
         sctx in out nocopy tq84_odci,
         r    in            integer,
         c    in            integer) return number is -- {
        return odciconst.success;
    end odciTableStart; -- }

    member function odciTableFetch( -- {
       self            in out nocopy tq84_odci,
       nofRowsExpected in            number,
       record_out      out    nocopy anydataset
    return number is
       len number := 10;

        r_current := r_current + 1;

        record_out := null;

        if r_current > nof_rows then -- {
        -- Last record reached: finished!
           return odciconst.success;
        end if; -- }

        anydataset.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, self.rec_desc, record_out);

        if r_current = 1 then -- {

          record_out.setVarchar2(lpad('x', len));
          for c_current in 2 .. nof_cols loop -- {
              record_out.setVarchar2(lpad(c_current-1, 10));
          end loop; -- }

        -- }
        else -- {

           record_out.setVarchar2(lpad(r_current-1, len));
           for c_current in 2 .. nof_cols loop -- {
               record_out.setvarchar2(lpad((c_current-1) * (r_current-1), len));
           end loop; -- }

        end if; -- }


        return odciconst.success;
    end odciTableFetch; -- }

    member function odciTableClose(self in tq84_odci) return number is -- {
        return odciconst.success;
    end odciTableClose; -- }


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Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /misc/ODCI/table/multiplication/body.plsql

Not working if CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE

Update 2020-11-20: it turns out that this example does not work if cursor_sharing is set to force: it throws the error message ORA-29913: error in executing ODCITABLEDESCRIBE callout.
This is because with this setting, Oracle calls the function with bind variables and odciTableDescribe receives null for the parameters r and c.
Therefore, in such an environment, the session must be altered in order to make the example run:
alter session set cursor_sharing = exact;


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database in /home/httpd/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/vhosts/ PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest_('/notes/developm...', 1740471980, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 App...', NULL) #2 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest() #3 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 78