creates the tq84_odci
create or replace type tq84_odci
authid definer
as object (
rec_desc anytype,
nof_rows integer,
nof_cols integer,
r_current integer,
-- multiplication_table returns a multiplication table with r+1 rows and c+1
-- columns.
-- In the type body, there is no method named multiplication_table, rather,
-- behind the scenes, ODCITableDescribe and so forth are called to
-- determine table strcture (rec_desc) and fill the returned records
-- with values.
static function multiplication_table(
r in number,
c in number
return anydataset pipelined using tq84_odci,
-- Constructor. Called in odciTablePrepare.
-- Returned object assigned to scan context (sctx)
constructor function tq84_odci(
self in out nocopy tq84_odci,
rowTypes in anytype,
r in integer,
c in integer) return self as result,
-- odciTableDescribe: determine number of columns of result
-- set and their data types. Return this information
-- through rec_desc.
static function odciTableDescribe(
rec_desc out nocopy anytype,
r in integer,
c in integer
return number,
static function odciTablePrepare (
sctx out nocopy tq84_odci,
tab_func_info in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo,
r in integer,
c in integer
return number,
static function odciTableStart(
sctx in out nocopy tq84_odci,
r in integer,
c in integer
return number,
-- Fetch one (or more) records and create the associated data:
member function odciTableFetch (
self in out nocopy tq84_odci,
nofRowsExpected in number,
record_out out nocopy anyDataSet
return number,
member function odciTableClose(
self in tq84_odci
return number
show errors
creates the type's body:
create or replace type body tq84_odci as
constructor function tq84_odci( -- {
self in out nocopy tq84_odci,
rowTypes in anytype,
r in integer,
c in integer
) return self as result
rec_desc := rowTypes;
nof_rows := r;
nof_cols := c;
r_current := 0;
end tq84_odci; -- }
static function odciTableDescribe( -- {
rec_desc out nocopy anytype,
r in integer,
c in integer
) return number is
colTypes anytype;
-- Dynamically create a type (colTypes) whose attributes correspond
-- to the columns of the table that is to be returned.
anytype.beginCreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, colTypes);
-- Special treatment of first column/attribute
colTypes.addAttr( -- {
aname =>'X',
typecode => dbms_types.typecode_varchar2,
prec => null,
scale => null,
len => 11,
csid => null,
csfrm => null
); -- }
-- Add rest of attributes
for i in 2 .. c+1 loop -- {
aname =>'Y_' || (i-1),
typecode => dbms_types.typecode_varchar2,
prec => null,
scale => null,
len => 11,
csid => null,
csfrm => null
end loop; -- }
-- Done adding attributes
-- Now, after creating the record structure, A nested table containing
-- the types needs to be created:
anytype.beginCreate(dbms_types.typecode_table, rec_desc);
rec_desc.setinfo( -- {
prec => null,
scale => null,
len => null,
csid => null,
csfrm => null,
atype => colTypes,
elem_tc => dbms_types.typecode_table,
elem_count => 0
); -- }
return odciconst.success;
exception when others then
return odciconst.error;
end odciTableDescribe; -- }
static function odciTablePrepare( -- {
sctx out nocopy tq84_odci,
tab_func_info in sys.odciTabFuncInfo,
r in integer,
c in integer
return number
-- Create an actual instance of tq84_odci
-- Same type as was defined in odciTableDescribe.
-- Will be assigned below from tab_func_info.retType
record_desc anytype;
prec pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
scale pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
len pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
csid pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
csfrm pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
aname varchar2(30); -- only used for function call
dummy pls_integer ; -- only used for function call
-- With GetAttrElemInfo, I can get the record_structure that was created in odciTableDescribe.
-- This record_structure is returned in the out parameter record_desc.
-- The parameters prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm and aname are ignored.
dummy := tab_func_info.retType.getAttrElemInfo(null, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, record_desc, aname);
-- Ready to construct an instance of tq84_odci.
-- The first parameter will be stored in the member rec_desc, the second in row_was_returned.
sctx := tq84_odci(record_desc, r+1, c+1);
return odciconst.success;
end odciTablePrepare; -- }
static function odciTableStart(
sctx in out nocopy tq84_odci,
r in integer,
c in integer) return number is -- {
return odciconst.success;
end odciTableStart; -- }
member function odciTableFetch( -- {
self in out nocopy tq84_odci,
nofRowsExpected in number,
record_out out nocopy anydataset
return number is
len number := 10;
r_current := r_current + 1;
record_out := null;
if r_current > nof_rows then -- {
-- Last record reached: finished!
return odciconst.success;
end if; -- }
anydataset.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, self.rec_desc, record_out);
if r_current = 1 then -- {
record_out.setVarchar2(lpad('x', len));
for c_current in 2 .. nof_cols loop -- {
record_out.setVarchar2(lpad(c_current-1, 10));
end loop; -- }
-- }
else -- {
record_out.setVarchar2(lpad(r_current-1, len));
for c_current in 2 .. nof_cols loop -- {
record_out.setvarchar2(lpad((c_current-1) * (r_current-1), len));
end loop; -- }
end if; -- }
return odciconst.success;
end odciTableFetch; -- }
member function odciTableClose(self in tq84_odci) return number is -- {
return odciconst.success;
end odciTableClose; -- }
show errors
Not working if CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE
2020-11-20: it turns out that this example does not work if
is set to
: it throws the
error message ORA-29913: error in executing ODCITABLEDESCRIBE callout.
This is because with this setting, Oracle calls the function with
bind variables and
for the parameters
Therefore, in such an environment, the session must be altered in order to make the example run:
alter session set cursor_sharing = exact;