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ADO/VBA examples for Oracle: Output parameters

This is an example that tries to demonstrate how output parameters from a stored procedure can be accessed with ADO and Visual Basic for Applications.
First, we have de create a package:
create package tq84_in_out_parameters as
       procedure proc(
          param_one   in  number,
          param_two   out number,
          param_three out number
end tq84_in_out_parameters;

create package body tq84_in_out_parameters as
       procedure proc(
          param_one   in  number,
          param_two   out number,
          param_three out number
       ) is

          param_two   := param_one * 2;
          param_three := param_one * 3;

       end proc;
end tq84_in_out_parameters;
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/output-parameters/in-out-parameters.sql
Then, we can access them:
' \lib\runVBAFilesInOffice\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -word stored_procedure -c go rene rene ORA_MANUALLY_CREATED
' Prior run
'    in_out_parameters.sql
' for this example.
' call addReference(application, "{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}")

option explicit

sub in_out_parameters(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) ' {

  dim cn as ADODB.connection
  set cn = openConnection(dbUser, dbPassword, dbName)

  call executeProc(cn,  7.1#)
  call executeProc(cn, null)

end sub ' }

function variantToString(v as variant) as string ' {
    if isNull(v) then
       variantToString = "null"
       variantToString = v
    end if
end function

sub executeProc(cn as adodb.connection, param_one as variant) ' {

    dim cm as new ADODB.command
'   set cm = new ADODB.command
    set cm.activeConnection = cn
    cm.commandText = "tq84_in_out_parameters.proc"
    cm.commandType = adCmdStoredProc

    dim param_two   as variant
    dim param_three as variant

    cm.parameters.append cm.createParameter("param_one"  , adDouble, adParamInput ,, param_one        )
    cm.parameters.append cm.createParameter("param_two"  , adDouble, adParamOutput,, param_two  )
    cm.parameters.append cm.createParameter("param_three", adDouble, adParamOutput,, param_three)


    debug.print "called procedure with param_one = " & variantToString(param_one)
    debug.print "  param_two   = " & variantToString(cm.parameters("param_two"  ).value)
    debug.print "  param_three = " & variantToString(cm.parameters("param_three").value)

end sub ' }

private function openConnection(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) as ADODB.connection ' {

  on error goto error_handler

  dim cn as    ADODB.connection
  set cn = new ADODB.connection ( _
     "User ID="     & dbUser       & _
    ";Password="    & dbPassword   & _
    ";Data Source=" & dbName       & _

  set openConnection = cn

  exit function

  if   err.number = -2147467259 then
       msgBox("Error opening connection to oracle: " & err.description)
       msgBox(err.number & " " & err.description)
  end if

end function ' }
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/output-parameters/in-out-parameters.bas

See also

ADO/VBA examples for Oracle
