Search notes:

ADO/VBA examples for Oracle: Named parameters

This is an example that shows how values can be passed to a function by the name of the parameter rather than its position.
This might be needed for functions and stored procedures that have default values.
The important thing is to set namedParameters property of the command object to true.

PL/SQL package

A simple PL/SQL package that defines one function with two default parameters:
create or replace package tq84 as
    function func(
               p_one varchar2 := 'default',
               p_two number   := 42
            return varchar2;
end tq84;

create or replace package body tq84 as

  function func(p_one varchar2 := 'default', p_two number := 42) return varchar2 is
      return 'p_one = ' || p_one || ', p_two = ' || p_two;
  end func;

end tq84;
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/named-parameters/plsql.sql

VBA code

Calling the function, keeping the default value for the first parameter, but passing or overriding the second parameter:
'   Adding ADODB reference to VBA project:
'     thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid guid := "{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}", major := 0, minor := 0

option explicit

sub main(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) ' {

  dim cn as ADODB.connection
  set cn = openConnection(dbUser, dbPassword, dbName)

  dim cm as new ADODB.command
  set cm.activeConnection = cn

  dim retVal as ADODB.parameter
  dim p_two  as ADODB.parameter

  dim outSize as long: outSize = 1000

' Apparently, the returnd parameter needs not empty name. Thus, "anyName"
' is chosen:
  set retVal = cm.createParameter("anyName", adVarChar, adParamReturnValue, outSize,""   )

' We want to pass the second paramter but leave the first parameter as default:
  set p_two  = cm.createParameter("p_two"  , adNumeric, adParamInput      ,  , 99)

  cm.commandText = "tq84.func"
  cm.commandType =  adCmdStoredProc

' In order to pass paramters by name rather than by position, the
' namedParameters property of the command object needs to be set
' to true:
  cm.namedParameters = true

  cm.parameters.append retVal
  cm.parameters.append p_two

  cm.execute ' ,,adExecuteNoRecords

  debug.print "retVal: " & retVal.value

end sub ' }

private function openConnection(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) as ADODB.connection ' {

  on error goto error_handler

  dim cn as    ADODB.connection
  set cn = new ADODB.connection ( _
     "User ID="     & dbUser       & _
    ";Password="    & dbPassword   & _
    ";Data Source=" & dbName       & _

  set openConnection = cn

  exit function

  if   err.number = -2147467259 then
       msgBox("Error opening connection to oracle: " & err.description)
       msgBox(err.number & " " & err.description)
  end if

end function ' }
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/named-parameters/call_function.bas

See also

ADO/VBA examples for Oracle
