Search notes:

ADO/VBA examples for Oracle: return value of function

PL/SQL package

create or replace package tq84 as
    function func return varchar2;
end tq84;

create or replace package body tq84 as
    function func return varchar2 is
      return 'Hello world!';
  end func;
end tq84;
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/function-retval/plsql.sql

VBA code

'   Adding ADODB reference to VBA project:
'     thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid guid := "{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}", major := 0, minor := 0

sub main(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string)

    dim cn as ADODB.connection

    set cn = openConnection(dbUser, dbPassword, dbName)
    dim cm as new ADODB.command  
    set cm.activeConnection = cn
    dim retVal as ADODB.parameter
  ' Use adParamReturnValue rather than adParamOutput!
    dim outSize as long
    outSize = 1000
    set retVal = cm.createParameter(, adVarChar, adParamReturnValue ,outSize,"")
    cm.commandText = "tq84.func"
    cm.parameters.append retVal
    cm.commandType = adCmdStoredProc
    cm.execute ' ,,adExecuteNoRecords

    debug.print "retVal = " & retVal.value
end sub

private function openConnection(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) as ADODB.connection ' {

  on error goto error_handler

  dim cn as    ADODB.connection
  set cn = new ADODB.connection ( _
     "User ID="     & dbUser       & _
    ";Password="    & dbPassword   & _
    ";Data Source=" & dbName       & _

  set openConnection = cn

  exit function

  if   err.number = -2147467259 then
       msgBox("Error opening connection to oracle: " & err.description)
       msgBox(err.number & " " & err.description)
  end if

end function ' }
Github repository about-adodb, path: /Oracle/function-retval/call_function.bas

See also

ADO/VBA examples for Oracle
