Search notes:

Registry: environment variables

There seem to be three places that control the values of environment variables:

Notifying the system after making changes

After changing the value of an environment variable, the system should be notified.
This can apparently be done with the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message or with rundll32.exe.


Notify the system by ending the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message using the WinAPI function SendMessage or SendMessageTimeout, having lParam set to the string "Environment".
With PowerShell, its possible to invoke a WinAPI function. The following script sends a message in order for new processes to have updated values for changed environment variables.
It should be noted that this broadcast message must be explicitly processed by a process. explorer.exe is the only(?) process to do so. Therefore, after sending WM_SETTINGCHANGE, a process needs to be restarted for the message to have an effect.
$funcDef = @'

    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]

     public static extern IntPtr SendMessageTimeout (
        IntPtr     hWnd,
        uint       msg,
        UIntPtr    wParam,
        string     lParam,
        uint       fuFlags,
        uint       uTimeout,
    out UIntPtr    lpdwResult


$funcRef = add-type -namespace WinAPI -name functions -memberDefinition $funcDef

$WM_SETTINGCHANGE =          0x001A  # Same as WM_WININICHANGE
$fuFlags          =               2  # SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG: return if receiving thread does not respond (hangs)
$timeOutMs        =            1000  # Timeout in milli seconds
$res              = [uIntPtr]::zero

# If the function succeeds, this value is non-zero.
$funcVal = [WinAPI.functions]::SendMessageTimeout($HWND_BROADCAST, $WM_SETTINGCHANGE, [UIntPtr]::zero, "Environment", $fuFlags, $timeOutMs, [ref] $res);

if ($funcVal -eq 0) {
   write-host "SendMessageTimeout did not succeed, res= $res"
else {
   write-host "Message sent"
It should be noted, however, that it's not necessary to send a WM_SETTINGCHANGE if an environment variable is changed with the PowerShell idiom to change variables because PowerShell is smart enough to figure out that this needs to be done:
PS C:\> [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable("VAR", "value", "user")
Update 2021-09-24: This assertion does not seem to be true anymore, at least when changing a user (not a system) variable (if it ever was!).
In Visual Basic for Applications, a WM_SETTINGCHANGE can be sent with the following call. The declaration of the function and constants is found here.
call SendMessageW(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, byVal strPtr("Environment"))


c:\> rundll32.exe user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters 1 True
Update 2021-09-24: This call does also not work anymore.


The Resource Kit 2003 pathman.exe promises to be able to modify environment variables. However, the RK 2003 tools are not supported on 64-bit platforms.

See also

Windows environment variables
Modifying the environment variable related entries with the PowerShell.
