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Microsoft Windows Performance Recorder
The windows Performance Recorder is
C:\…> wpr -start tq84.wprp -filemode

      … stuff being done …

C:\…> wpr -stop log.etl

      … use wpa.exe to analyze log.etl

Command line options

-help Provide command line help information
-profiles Enumerates the profile names and descriptions from a profile file
-purgecache Purges the dynamic symbols cache
-start Starts one or more profiles
-marker Fires an event marker
-markerflush Fires an event marker and flushes the working set
-status Displays status on active recording (if any)
-profiledetails Displays the detailed information about a set of profiles
-providers Displays detailed information about providers
-cancel Cancels recording initiated via WPR (if any)
-stop Stops recording initiated via WPR (if any) and saves
-flush Flushes logging sessions initiated through WPR (if any)
-log Configure debug logging to the event log
-disablepagingexecutive Change the Disable Paging Executive settings
-heaptracingconfig Change heap tracing settings for a process
-snapshotconfig Change snapshot settings for a process
-capturestateondemand Capture states for the configured providers in the current recording
-pmcsources Query the list of hardware counters available on the system
-setprofint Set sampled profile interval
-profint Query the current profile interval
-resetprofint Restores the default profile interval values
-boottrace Configures the registry entries for autologger/globallogger sessions
-enableperiodicsnapshot Enable Periodic Snapshot for the specified interval and given process id
-disableperiodicsnapshot Disable Periodic Snapshot for all process
-singlesnapshot On demand Snapshot for the specified process
-instancename Specifies a name to uniquely identify the tracing instance. Useful when managing multiple concurrent wpr sessions. Must be last parameter

See also

wpr.exe is also found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Windows Performance Toolkit.
The GUI variant of wpr.exe is WPRUI.exe
