Search notes:


fsutil.exe is used to administer FAT and NTFS file systems.

Commands and subcommands


8.3 name management
query Query the current setting for the shortname behaviour on the system
scan Scan for impacted registry entries
set Change the setting that controls the shortname behavior on the system
strip Remove the shortnames for all files within a directory


Control file system behavior
query Query the file system behavior parameters
set Change the file system behavior parameters


Direct Access (DAX) volume management
queryFileAlignment Query file alignment on dax volume


Manage volume dirty bit
query Query the dirty bit
set Set the dirty bit


File specific commands
Create a new file (of possibly zero size) Creates a new file of a specified size. Compare with Linux shell command touch.
findBySID Find a file by security identifier
layout Query all the information available about the file
optimizeMetadata Optimize metadata for a file
queryAllocRanges Query the allocated ranges for a file
queryCaseSensitiveInfo Query the case sensitive information for a directory
queryEA Query the extended attributes (EA) information for a file
queryExtents Query the extents for a file
queryExtentsAndRefCounts Query the extents and their corresponding refcounts for a file
queryFileID Queries the file ID of the specified file
queryFileNameById Displays a random link name for the file ID
queryOptimizeMetadata Query the optimize metadata state for a file
queryValidData Queries the valid data length for a file
setCaseSensitiveInfo Set the case sensitive information for a directory
setShortName Set the short name for a file
setValidData Set the valid data length for a file
setZeroData Set the zero data for a file
setEOF Sets the end of file for an existing file
setStrictlySequential Sets ReFS SMR file as strictly sequential


File system information
drives List all drives
driveType Query drive type for a drive
ntfsInfo Query NTFS specific volume information
refsInfo Query REFS specific volume information
sectorInfo Query sector information
statistics Query file system statistics
volumeInfo Query volume information


Manage so called «hard links». Note, only files can be hard linked. Trying to hard link a directory throws Access is denied.
create Create a hardlink (for example fsutil hardlink create new.txt existing.txt)
list Enumerate hardlinks on a file (fsutil hardlink list new.txt or fsutil hardlink list existing.txt)
Compare with reparsepoint subcommand.


Object ID management
create Create the object identifier
delete Delete the object identifier
query Query the object identifier
set Change the object identifier


Quota management
disable Disable quota tracking and enforcement
enforce Enable quota enforcement
modify Set disk quota for a user
query Query disk quotas
track Enable quota tracking
violations Display quota violations


Self healing management
enumerate Enumerate the entries of a volume's corruption log
initiate Initiate the repair of a file
query Query the self healing state of the volume
set Set the self healing state of the volume
state Query the corruption state of the volume(s)
wait Wait for repair(s) to complete


Management of reparse points. Compare with hardlink subcommand.
delete Delete a reparse point
query Query a reparse point


Storage Reserve management
query Query storage reserve area(s) of a volume
repair Repair storage reserve area(s) of a volume
findByID Find files by storage reserve ID


Transactional Resource Manager management
create Create a Secondary Transactional Resource Manager
info Display information relating to a Transactional Resource Manager
setAutoReset Set whether a default Transactional Resource Manager will clean its transactional metadata on next mount
setAvailable Set a Transactional Resource Manager to prefer availability over consistency
setConsistent Set a Transactional Resource Manager to prefer consistency over availability
setLog Change characteristics of a running Transactional Resource Manager
start Start a Transactional Resource Manager
stop Stop a Transactional Resource Manager


queryFlag Query sparse
queryRange Query range
setFlag Set sparse
setRange Set sparse range


Storage tiering property management
clearFlags Disable tiering behavior flags of a volume
queryFlags Display the tiering behavior flags of a volume
regionList List the regions of a volume and their respective storage tiers
setFlags Enable tiering behavior flags of a volume
tierList List the storage tiers associated with a volume


Transaction management
commit Commit a specified transaction
fileinfo Display transaction information for a specific file
list Display currently running transactions
query Display information on a specified transaction
rollback Rollback a specified transaction


Manage Update Sequence Numbers (USN) journals ($Extend\$UsnJrnl).
createJournal Create a USN journal
deleteJournal Delete a USN journal
enableRangeTracking Enable write range tracking for a volume
enumData Enumerate USN data
queryJournal Query the USN data for a volume
readJournal Reads the USN records in the USN journal
readData Read the USN data for a file


Volume management
allocationReport Allocated clusters report
diskFree Query the free space of a volume
dismount Dismount a volume
fileLayout Query all the information available about the file(s)
flush Flush a volume
list List volumes
queryCluster Query which file is using a particular cluster
queryLabel Query the label for a volume
queryNumaInfo Queries the NUMA node for the given volume
setLabel Set the label for a volume
smrGC Control SMR Garbage Collection
smrInfo Query SMR information
thinProvisioningInfo Query thin provisioning info for the given volume


Transparent wim hosting management
enumFiles Enumerate WIM backed files
enumWims Enumerate backing WIM files
removeWim Remove a WIM from backing files
queryFile Query the origin of a specific file

Determining file system type

fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo x: can be used to determine the file system on drive x::
c:\> > fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo c: | findstr /c:"File System Name"
File System Name : NTFS

c:\> fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo e: | findstr /c:"File System Name"
File System Name : FAT32
It should be noted that this (apparently) does not work on Windows XP.


Thanks to stolis (aka spyros 8) who notified me of a typo on this page.

See also

fsutil file which can be used, for example, to create empty files or files of a given size.
