Search notes:

cmd.exe: for /l

In cmd.exe, a sequence of numbers can be created with the for /l command:
The command takes three arguments:
All numbers need to be integers. Except the increment, the numbers need to be positive.
@set startValue=5
@set increment=3
@set maxValue=25

@for /L %%i in (%startValue%, %increment%, %maxValue%) do @(
  echo i = %%i
Github repository about-cmd.exe, path: /commands/for/l_iterate-1-to-10.bat
The sample prints
i = 5
i = 8
i = 11
i = 14
i = 17
i = 20
i = 23

See also

Using if together with lss to create a series of numbers.
for, other cmd.exe commands
