Search notes:

cmd.exe - color

color sets cmd.exe's console's foreground and background color using two (hexadecimal) digits in the range from 0f.
The first digit specifies the background color, the second one the foreground color: the range 8…F repeats the color of the range 0…7, yet lighter or brighter:
0 / 8 black / grey
1 / 9 blue
2 / A green
3 / B aqua
4 / C red
5 / D purple
6 / E yellow
7 / F white
Thus, the following command sets the background to the dark version of blue and the foreground to the light version of yellow:
color 1e
color without arguments resets the colors to its defaults.
color is affected by whether command extensions are enabled or disabled.

See also

cmd.exe: Built-in commands
