Search notes:


winget.exe allows to install applications and other packages from the command line.


winget  [<command>] [<options>]


install Installs the given package
show Shows information about a package
source Manage sources of packages
search Find and show basic info of packages
list Display installed packages
upgrade Shows and performs available upgrades
uninstall Uninstalls the given package
hash Helper to hash installer files
validate Validates a manifest file
settings Open settings (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json) or set administrator settings
features Shows the status of experimental features
export Exports a list of the installed packages
import Installs all the packages in a file
pin Manage package pins
configure Configures the system into a desired state
download Downloads the installer from a given package

General options

--info Display general info of the tool
--wait Prompts the user to press any key before exiting
--logs, --open-logs Open the default logs location
--verbose, --verbose-logs Enables verbose logging for winget
--disable-interactivity Disable interactive prompts
-?, --help Shows help about the selected command
-v, --version Display the version of the tool
The individual commands might add their own set of options (for example install --scope user).

Search and install

PS: 4 C:/Users/Rene> winget search PowerShell
Name                                 Id                                          Version     Match           Source
PowerShell                           9MZ1SNWT0N5D                                Unknown                     msstore
PowerShell Preview                   9P95ZZKTNRN4                                Unknown                     msstore
PowerShell to exe&msi Converter free XPDCHZH119SRT8                              Unknown                     msstore
PowerShell                           Microsoft.PowerShell                                   winget
PowerSession                         Watfaq.PowerSession                         0.1.10      Tag: powershell winget
cloudpan189-go                       tickstep.cloudpan189-go                     0.1.3       Tag: PowerShell winget
aliyunpan                            tickstep.aliyunpan                          0.2.7       Tag: PowerShell winget
WingetUI                             SomePythonThings.WingetUIStore              2.2.0       Tag: powershell winget
SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2023        SAPIEN.PowerShellStudio              Tag: powershell winget
Carapace                             rsteube.Carapace                            0.29.0      Tag: powershell winget
Windows Terminal Preview             Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.Preview           1.19.3172.0 Tag: powershell winget
Windows Terminal                     Microsoft.WindowsTerminal                   1.18.3181.0 Tag: powershell winget
PowerShell Preview                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Preview         Tag: powershell winget
ConEmu                               Maximus5.ConEmu                             11.230.7240 Tag: powershell winget
EasyConnect                          lstratman.easyconnect                Tag: powershell winget
Oh My Posh                           JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh                     19.4.0      Tag: powershell winget
Aliae                                JanDeDobbeleer.Aliae                        0.17.1      Tag: powershell winget
TfsCmdlets                           Igoravl.TfsCmdlets                  Tag: powershell winget
electerm                             electerm.electerm                           1.37.110    Tag: powershell winget
wol                                  DarkfullDante.wol                           1.0.2       Tag: powershell winget
AutomatedLab                         AutomatedLab.AutomatedLab                   5.48.0      Tag: powershell winget
Walk                                 antonmedv.Walk                              1.7.0       Tag: powershell winget
PowerShell Universal Desktop         IronmanSoftware.PowerShellUniversal.Desktop 4.0.12                      winget
PowerShell Universal                 IronmanSoftware.PowerShellUniversal         4.0.12                      winget

PS: 5 C:/Users/Rene> winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell --source winget

