/C[opy] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path | Copy the package to the specified location and path. |
/Dec[rypt] Password | Sets the decryption password used when loading a package with password encryption |
/Del[ete] | Deletes the specified package |
/DestP[assword] Password | Allows the storage of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option is used in conjunction with the DestUser option and when the destination of an operation is SQL |
/DestS[erver] Server | Specifies the name of server to which to store the package |
/DestU[ser] User name | Allows the storage of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. |
/DT[S] PackagePath | Loads a package that is stored in the SSIS package store. |
/Dump Process ID | |
/En[crypt] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;ProtectionLevel[;Password] | Encrypts the loaded package with the specified protection level and password and saves it to the specified location. |
/Ex[ists] | Determines if the specified package exists. |
/FC[reate] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;NewFolderName | Creates a folder on SSIS or SQL Server |
/FDe[lete] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;FolderName | |
/FDi[rectory] {SQL | DTS}[;FolderPath[;S]] | Deletes a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. |
/FE[xists] {SQL | DTS};FolderPath | Checks if a folder exists on SSIS or SQL Server. |
/FR[ename] {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;OldFolderName;NewFolderName | Renames the specified folder on SSIS or SQL Server. |
/Fi[le] Filespec | Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. |
/H[elp] [Option] | |
/I[DRegenerate] | Generates a new GUID for the loaded package and updates the package ID property with the new GUID. |
/M[ove] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path | Move the package to the specified path |
/Q[uiet] | Do not ask for permission to overwrite a package when copying or moving. |
/R[emark] [Text] | laces comments on the command prompt or in command files. |
/Si[gn] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;Hash | Signs the loaded package with the specified hash and save it to the specified location |
/SourceP[assword] Password | |
/SourceS[erver] Server | |
/SourceU[ser] User name | |
/SQ[L] PackagePath | Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. |