Search notes:


arch is one of arm, arm64, x86, x64, …(?)
adplusext.dll Adplus Extension
agestore.exe Microsoft AgeStore: remove old entries in the downstream store of a symbol server or source server
api-ms-win-eventing-provider-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
breakin.exe Microsoft Breakpoint forcer (to cause user-mode break in a process) (breakin <pid>)
cdb.exe Symbolic Debugger for Windows
convertstore.exe Symbol Store Conversion Utility
dbengprx.exe Microsoft Windows Debugger Transport Proxy Server
dbgcore.dll Windows Core Debugging Helpers
dbgeng.dll Windows Symbolic Debugger Engine
dbghelp.dll Windows Image Helper
DbgModel.dll Windows Debugger Data Model
dbgrpc.exe RPC Extended Debugging Utility to display RCP call state information
dbgsrv.exe Microsoft User-Mode Debugger Process Server used for remote debugging
dbh.exe Microsoft Dbghelp API Example: display information about the contents of a symbol file
dumpchk.exe Windows Dump File Verifier (or validator)
dumpexam.exe Windows Dump File Examiner
gflags.exe Microsoft® NT Global Flags Manipulator
gflagsui.dll Microsoft® NT Global Flags Manipulator
kd.exe Windows Kernel Debugger
kdbgctrl.exe Windows kernel debugger configuration utility to control and configure kernel debugging connections
kdnet.exe Net debugging configuration tool
kdsrv.exe Microsoft Kernel Debugger Connection Server use for remote debugging
KernelDumpDecrypt.exe Windows Kernel Dump File Decryptor
kill.exe Microsoft® Process Kill Utility
list.exe Microsoft® File Lister
logger.exe together with logviewer.exe allows to record and display function calls and other actions of a program.
logviewer.exe Win32 API Log Viewer
Microsoft.WTT.Log.dll WTTLogger_URT20_GitEnlistment(winpbld)
ntkd.exe Windows Kernel Debugger
ntsd.exe Symbolic Debugger for Windows
OffDumpTool.exe OfflineDump Tool EXECUTABLE
pdbcopy.exe Microsoft® PDB Copy Utility
plmdebug.exe Debug Windows app which run ander Process Lifecycle Management (PLM). Take manual control of suspending, resuming and terminating a Windows app.
remote.exe Microsoft® Remote Std I/O Shell: remotly control console programs (especially kd.exe, cdb.exe, ntsd.exe)
rtlist.exe Microsoft User-Mode Process Server Query Tool to show running processes
srcsrv.dll Microsoft Source Server: delver source files while debugging
SymbolCheck.dll Symbol Check API Library
symchck.exe Symbol Checker
symsrv.dll Microsoft Symbol Server that a debugger can use to connect to a symbol store
symstore.exe Symbol Server Builder to create a symbol store
tlist.exe Microsoft® Process List Utility
umdh.exe Analyze heap allocations (Security Test)
usbview.exe Microsoft® Windows(TM) USB device viewer, compare with execute of same name under %WindowsSdkDir%\Tools\arch
vmdemux.exe Hyper-V Unified Debugging Session Demuxer
windbg.exe Windows GUI symbolic debugger
WTTLog.dll WTTLogger_CPP_GitEnlistment(winpbld)
WTTlogcm.dll WTTLogger_COM_GitEnlistment(winpbld)

See also

The subirecotry Visualizers.


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database in /home/httpd/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/vhosts/ PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest_('/notes/Windows/...', 1740442443, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 App...', NULL) #2 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest() #3 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 78