Search notes:

PEB - Windows Process Environment Block

PEB is the Windows Process Environment block
Offset 0x30 of the TIB (on Win32?) points to the PEB.
The PEB can be programatically found with NtCurrentTeb() -> ProcessEnvironmentBlock
PEB.BeingDebugged indicates if a debugger is attached.
It seems like the ebx register (x64: rbx) register points to the PEB when an exe's entry point is called.


Wack0 has written a small c source file (peb.c) as github gist which gets a pointer to the PEB for every architecture that NT was ported to (x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, IA64, Alpha AXP, MIPS, PowerPC). This source relies on Visual-C compiler intrinsics. -
For x86, the relevant instruction is __readfsdword(0x30), for x64, it is __readgsqword(0x60).
I have allowed myself to fork this gist here.
