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PowerShell: modify the speed of the mouse

This simple PowerShell script changes the speed of the mouse with the WinAPI function SystemParametersInfo(). Such a modification is, however, not persisted across rebooting the machine. Therefore, the new mouse speed is also written into the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse (Value of MouseSensitivity).
param (
  [int] $newSpeed

set-strictMode -version latest

$winApi = add-type -name user32 -namespace tq84 -passThru -memberDefinition '
    public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(
       uint uiAction,
       uint uiParam ,
       uint pvParam ,
       uint fWinIni


"MouseSensitivity before WinAPI call:  $((get-itemProperty 'hkcu:\Control Panel\Mouse').MouseSensitivity)"

$null = $winApi::SystemParametersInfo($SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, 0, $newSpeed, 0)

#    Calling SystemParametersInfo() does not permanently store the modification
#    of the mouse speed. It needs to be changed in the registry as well
"MouseSensitivity after WinAPI call:  $((get-itemProperty 'hkcu:\Control Panel\Mouse').MouseSensitivity)"

set-itemProperty 'hkcu:\Control Panel\Mouse' -name MouseSensitivity -value $newSpeed
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /examples/WinAPI/setMouseSpeed.ps1

See also

Other PowerShell examples


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