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PowerShell cmdLet group-object

group-object returns an array of Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo objects.
group is an alias for group-object.

Group first, then print group's objects

The following example first groups an array of objects according to a given property value and then prints some property values of each object in the found groups:
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'foo'; val_A = 4; val_B = 'abc' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'foo'; val_A = 2; val_B = 'def' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'bar'; val_A = 9; val_B = 'ghi' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'foo'; val_A = 3; val_B = 'jkl' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'baz'; val_A = 6; val_B = 'mno' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'bar'; val_A = 7; val_B = 'pqr' } ,
[psCustomObject] @{ category = 'baz'; val_A = 5; val_B = 'stu' } |
 # Pipe all objects into group-object to
 # group theym by their category value:
   group-object category  |
 # There are three different categories, so group-object
 # produces three Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo
 # objects.
 # These three objects are now piped into foreach-object
 # which first prints the group's name, which is the value
 # of the respective category, and then passes the group's
 # Group value further down the pipeline:
   foreach-object { write-host $_.Name; $_.Group } |
 # A group's Group property contanis all object that
 # belong to a group. These objects are now passed
 # to the following foreach-object which simply
 # prints the objects' properties val_A and val_B:
   foreach-object { write-host "   $($_.val_A): $($_.val_B)" }
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/object/group/group-then-print-objects.ps1


A nice option of group-object is -asHashTable: it returns a the grouped objects as a hash table whose keys correspond to the values of the grouped-by property.
In the following example, the import-CSV cmdLet is used to import the following CSV file:
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/object/group/data.csv
The imported CSV values ($data) is then grouped by the value of quarter and assigned to the variable $quarters.
$quarters.GetType().FullName is used to verify that the returned value is indeed a hashtable (whose underlying type is a System.Collections.Hashtable).
Then, the (three) object of the third quarter ($quarters.Q3) are piped through where-object to find the object whose item value is baz. This object's val value is then printed.
Finally, where-object is used on the second quarter to find all objects whose val value is greater or equal to 20 and then, their item property is printed.
$data = import-CSV data.csv

$quarters = $data | group-object -asHashTable quarter

#  System.Collections.Hashtable

( $quarters.Q3 | where-object item -eq baz ).val
#  16

( $quarters.Q2 | where-object val -ge 20 ) | select-object item
#  item
#  ----
#  foo
#  baz
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/object/group/asHashTable.ps1

See also

Powershell command noun: object
