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PowerShell cmdLet add-member

add-member allows to add member variables and methods to a PowerShell object.
When adding a member method, within the added code, the special variable $this refers to the object.

-memberType parameter

There are different types of members that can be added to an object. The -memberType parameter of add-member is used to specify the type of the member that is added to an object.
The possible member types that can be added is a subset of those that are found in the System.Management.Automation.PSMemberTypes enum:

Basic demonstration of add-member

The following simple example of add-member creates a System.Object object and adds the two member variables num and text. It also adds the member method twice which multiplies the value of num and assigns it to num again.
After creating the object with new-object and creating the members, the method twice() is called. Then, the object is printed with write-output to verify that the value of num has doubled indeed:
$obj = new-object System.Object

$obj | add-member -memberType noteProperty -name num   -value 21 
$obj | add-member -memberType noteProperty -name text  -value foo
$obj | add-member -memberType scriptMethod -name twice -value { $this.num *= 2 }


write-output "`The num is $($obj.num), text is $($obj.text)"
#  The num is 42, text is foo

$obj | get-member
#     TypeName: System.Object
#  Name        MemberType   Definition
#  ----        ----------   ----------
#  Equals      Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
#  GetHashCode Method       int GetHashCode()
#  GetType     Method       type GetType()
#  ToString    Method       string ToString()
#  num         NoteProperty int num=42
#  text        NoteProperty string text=foo
#  twice       ScriptMethod System.Object twice();
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/member/add/obj.ps1

Adding a script method

A script method adds member methods to an object. Within the script block that implements the method, the respective object can be referred to with the $this automatic variable.
$num  = new-object psObject @{
  val =     4
  txt = 'four'

$num | add-member scriptMethod dbl {
   $this.val * 2

$num | add-member scriptMethod mult {
  param([int]$i = 1)
  $this.val * $i

# 8

# 28
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/member/add/scriptMethod.ps1

Get member's value by name stored in a variable

$obj.memberName evaluates to the member whose name is memberName. If the name of the member is stored in a variable, the name can be looked up with $obj.$var:
$cust_obj = new-object psObject

$cust_obj | add-member number   42
$cust_obj | add-member text    'hello world'
$cust_obj | add-member meta    'foo', 'bar', 'baz'

$member_name = 'text'

'number', 'text', 'meta' | foreach-object {
   '{0,-6}: {1}' -f $_, $cust_obj.$_
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/member/add/access-members-by-variable.ps1

See also

Powershell command noun: member
Object creation in PowerShell


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