Search notes:

Chocolatey features

A list of chocolatey features can be produced with choco.exe features list.
The third columns shows the version since which a feature is available. The fourth column shows if the feature is enabled by defaut.
allowEmptyChecksums Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums for downloaded resources from non-secure locations (HTTP, FTP). Enabling is not recommended if using sources that download resources from the internet. 0.10.0+
allowEmptyChecksumsSecure Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums for downloaded resources from secure locations (HTTPS). 0.10.0+
allowGlobalConfirmation Prompt for confirmation in scripts or bypass.
autoUninstaller Uninstall from programs and features without requiring an explicit uninstall script.
checksumFiles Checksum files when pulled in from internet (based on package).
disableCompatibilityChecks Should a warning we shown, before and after command execution, when a runtime compatibility check determines that there is an incompatibility between Chocolatey and Chocolatey Licensed Extension. 1.1.0+
exitOnRebootDetected Stop running install, upgrade, or uninstall when a reboot request is detected. Requires 'usePackageExitCodes' feature to be turned on. Will exit with either 350 or 1604. When it exits with 350, it means pending reboot discovered prior to running operation. When it exits with 1604, it means some work completed prior to reboot request being detected. 0.10.12+
failOnAutoUninstaller Fail if automatic uninstaller fails.
failOnInvalidOrMissingLicense allows knowing when a license is expired or not applied to a machine. 0.9.10+
failOnStandardError Fail if install provider writes to stderr. Not recommended for use. 0.9.10+
ignoreInvalidOptionsSwitches If a switch or option is passed that is not recognized, should choco fail? 0.9.10+.
ignoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated When checking outdated or upgrades, if a package is not found against sources specified, don't report the package at all. 0.10.9+
logEnvironmentValues Log values of environment before and after install (which could disclose sensitive data). 0.9.10+
logValidationResultsOnWarnings Should the validation results be logged if there are warnings? 0.10.12+
logWithoutColor Do not show colorization in logging output. 0.10.9+
powershellHost Use Chocolatey's built-in PowerShell host. 0.9.10+
removePackageInformationOnUninstall When a package is uninstalled, should the stored package information also be removed? 0.10.9+
showDownloadProgress Show download progress percentages in the CLI. 0.10.4+
showNonElevatedWarnings Display non-elevated warnings. 0.10.4+
skipPackageUpgradesWhenNotInstalled If a package is not installed, do not install it during the upgrade process. 0.10.12+
stopOnFirstPackageFailure Stop running install, upgrade or uninstall on first package failure instead of continuing with others. As this will affect upgrade all, it is normally recommended to leave this off. 0.10.4+
useEnhancedExitCodes Chocolatey is able to provide enhanced exit codes surrounding list, search, info, outdated and other commands that don't deal directly with package operations. To see enhanced exit codes and their meanings, please run choco [cmdname] -?. With this feature off, choco will exit with 0, 1, or -1 (matching previous behavior). 0.10.12+
useFipsCompliantChecksums Ensure checksumming done by choco uses FIPS compliant algorithms. Not recommended unless required by FIPS Mode. Enabling on an existing installation could have unintended consequences related to upgrades/uninstalls. 0.9.10+
usePackageExitCodes Package scripts can provide exit codes. With this on, package exit codes will be what choco uses for exit when non-zero (this value can come from a dependency package). Chocolatey defines valid exit codes as 0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010. With this feature off, choco will exit with 0, 1, or -1 (matching previous behavior). 0.9.10+
usePackageRepositoryOptimizations Turn on optimizations for reducing bandwidth with repository queries during package install/upgrade/outdated operations. Should generally be left enabled, unless a repository needs to support older methods of query. When disabled, this makes queries similar to the way they were done in Chocolatey v0.10.11 and before. 0.10.14+
useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades When running upgrades, use the same (i. e. the remembered) arguments that were also used when a package was installed. This is helpful when running upgrade for all packages. This feature will be set on by default in future releases 0.10.4+
virusCheck Perform virus checking on downloaded files. Licensed versions only 0.9.10+
