BackgroundColor , ForegroundColor | A member of the System.ConsoleColor enum. |
Beep() | |
BufferHeight , BufferWidth | |
CancelKeyPress | The only event: fired when ctrl+C or ctrl+break is pressed. See also TreatControlCAsInput() |
CapsLock | |
Clear() | |
CursorLeft , CursorTop | |
CursorSize | |
CursorVisible | |
GetCursorPosition() | |
In , Out , Error | stdin, stdout and stderr. These streams are provided using (derivates of) → System.IO.TextReader and System.IO.TextWriter objects. |
InputEncoding , OutputEncoding | This value can be assigned instances of types derived from System.Text.Encoding . See also using the PowerShell cmdlet select-string to match lines in STDOUT that match a given regular expressions. |
IsErrorRedirected | |
IsInputRedirected | |
IsOutputRedirected | |
KeyAvailable | |
LargestWindowHeight | |
LargestWindowWidth | |
MoveBufferArea() | |
NumberLock | |
OpenStandardError() | |
OpenStandardInput() | |
OpenStandardOutput() | |
Read() | |
ReadKey() | |
ReadLine() | |
ResetColor() | |
SetBufferSize() | |
SetCursorPosition() | |
SetError() | |
SetIn() | |
SetOut() | |
SetWindowPosition() | |
SetWindowSize() | |
Title | |
TreatControlCAsInput | See also CancelKeyPress |
WindowHeight | |
WindowLeft | |
WindowTop | |
WindowWidth | |
Write() | |
WriteLine() | |