Search notes:

Office Object Model: Word - Shape


'  \lib\runVBAFilesInOffice\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -word backgroundImage -c main %CD%

sub main(path)

    dim background_image as shape

  ' Load image
    set background_image = activeDocument.shapes.addPicture( _
      fileName    := path & "\background.png",  _
      linkToFile  :=  false)

  ' Place Image's top left corner to page's top left corner:
    background_image.relativeVerticalPosition   = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage                        = 0

    background_image.relativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionPage
    background_image.left                       = 0

  ' Use entire page (size of paper is assumed to be A4)
    background_image.width  = inchesToPoints( 8.267)
    background_image.height = inchesToPoints(11.69 )

  ' Allow to write text above the image
    background_image.zOrder msoSendBehindText

  ' Close document without being asked
    activeDocument.saved = true

end sub

Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Word/Shape/backgroundImage.bas


'  ..\..\..\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -word line_width -c main

option explicit

dim ad_sh     as shapes
dim pageWidth as double

dim curLineTop as double

sub main()

    set ad_sh  = activeDocument.shapes
    pageWidth  = activeDocument.pageSetup.pageWidth
    curLineTop = 3

    call nextLine(0.25)
    call nextLine(0.50)
    call nextLine(1   )
    call nextLine(2   )
    call nextLine(5   )
    call nextLine(10  )

    activeDocument.saved = true

end sub

private sub nextLine(w as double)

    dim line_ as shape

    set line_ = ad_sh.addLine(centimetersToPoints( 3), _
                              centimetersToPoints( curLineTop), _
                              pageWidth - centimetersToPoints(3), _
                              centimetersToPoints( curLineTop))

    line_.line.weight = w

    curLineTop = curLineTop + 1

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Word/Shape/line_width.bas


'  ..\..\..\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -word addLine -c main

sub main()

    set shape = activeDocument.shapes.addLine(20, 50, 400, 200)

    shape.line.weight        = 5#
    shape.line.foreColor.rgb = rgb(255, 50, 20)

    activeDocument.saved = true

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Word/Shapes/addLine.bas


'  ..\..\..\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -word addConnector -c main

sub main()

    dim connector as shape

    set shape = activeDocument.shapes.addConnector(msoConnectorStraight, 20, 50, 400, 200)

    shape.line.weight        = 5#
    shape.line.foreColor.rgb = rgb(255, 50, 20)

    activeDocument.saved = true

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Word/Shapes/addConnector.bas

See also

CanvasShapes, GroupShapes and InlineShapes; the ShapeRange object.
Word Object Model


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