Search notes:

Office Object Model: Visio - Shape


The autoConnect method allows to connct two shapes.
option explicit

sub main()

   dim doc as document
   dim pag as page

   set doc = activeDocument
   set pag = doc.pages(1)

   dim rect1 as shape
   dim rect2 as shape

   set rect1 = pag.drawRectangle(3, 4, 5, 3)
   set rect2 = pag.drawRectangle(3, 2, 5, 1)

   rect1.text = "One"
   rect2.text = "Two"

   dim dynConn as shape

 ' Set dynConn = doc.Pages(1).Shapes("Dynamic connector")

 ' Connect the shapes rect1 and rect2.
 ' The third parameter is required although I fail to see
 ' what it is needed for.
   rect1.autoConnect rect2, visAutoConnectDirNone, dynConn

 ' Unfortunately, AutoConnect does not return the shape (connector)
 ' it created.
 ' Thus, the most recent created shape is assumed to be the
 ' one with the highest count number:
   set dynConn = pag.shapes(pag.shapes.count)

 ' Change end of connect to an arrow:
   dynConn.Cells("EndArrow") = 13

 ' Don't show grid:
   activeWindow.showGrid = false

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Visio/Shape/autoConnect.bas
The code above produces:
