The value of the themeColor
property can be set to one of the following xlThemeColor
enum values:
xlThemeColorAccent1 | 5 |
xlThemeColorAccent2 | 6 |
xlThemeColorAccent3 | 7 |
xlThemeColorAccent4 | 8 |
xlThemeColorAccent5 | 9 |
xlThemeColorAccent6 | 10 |
xlThemeColorDark1 | 1 |
xlThemeColorDark2 | 3 |
xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink | 12 |
xlThemeColorHyperlink | 11 |
xlThemeColorLight1 | 2 |
xlThemeColorLight2 | 4 |
Typically, using the property themeColor
goes hand in hand with also using tintAndShade
Note that the value of themeColor
needs to be assigned before the value of tintAndShade
is assigned.
is a
double with a value between
where the value influences the color from black (
) over neutral (
) to white (
The value of tintAndShade
affects theme colors and non-theme colors.
The following example demonstrates the combination of themeColor
and tintAndShade
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim r as long
r = 1
cells(r, 2) = "-1.0"
cells(r, 3) = "-0.8"
cells(r, 4) = "-0.6"
cells(r, 5) = "-0.4"
cells(r, 6) = "-0.2"
cells(r, 7) = " 0.0"
cells(r, 8) = " 0.2"
cells(r, 9) = " 0.4"
cells(r, 10) = " 0.6"
cells(r, 11) = " 0.8"
cells(r, 12) = " 1.0"
range(cells(r,2), cells(r,12)).horizontalAlignment = xlCenter
range(columns(2), columns(12)).columnWidth = 5
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent1 , "xlThemeColorAccent1" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent2 , "xlThemeColorAccent2" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent3 , "xlThemeColorAccent3" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent4 , "xlThemeColorAccent4" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent5 , "xlThemeColorAccent5" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorAccent6 , "xlThemeColorAccent6" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorDark1 , "xlThemeColorDark1" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorDark2 , "xlThemeColorDark2" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink , "xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorHyperlink , "xlThemeColorHyperlink" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorLight1 , "xlThemeColorLight1" , r
drawThemeColor xlThemeColorLight2 , "xlThemeColorLight2" , r
activeWorkbook.saved = true
end sub ' }
sub drawThemeColor(col as xlThemeColor, nam as string, byRef r as long) ' {
r = r + 1
cells(r, 1) = nam
range(cells(r,2), cells(r,12)).interior.themeColor = col
cells(r, 2).interior.tintAndShade = -1.0
cells(r, 3).interior.tintAndShade = -0.8
cells(r, 4).interior.tintAndShade = -0.6
cells(r, 5).interior.tintAndShade = -0.4
cells(r, 6).interior.tintAndShade = -0.2
cells(r, 7).interior.tintAndShade = 0.0
cells(r, 8).interior.tintAndShade = 0.2
cells(r, 9).interior.tintAndShade = 0.4
cells(r,10).interior.tintAndShade = 0.6
cells(r,11).interior.tintAndShade = 0.8
cells(r,12).interior.tintAndShade = 1.0
end sub ' }
is an integer (long?) hat can be set to a value between 1 and 56.
The following example creates a grid for all values of colorIndex
option explicit
const nofColorIndices = 56
sub main() ' {
dim colorIndex as long
for colorIndex = 1 to nofColorIndices ' {
dim row as long
dim col as long
row = (colorIndex-1) \ 8 + 1
col = (colorIndex-1) mod 8 + 1
with cells(row, col) ' {
.value = colorIndex
.interior.colorIndex = colorIndex
.font.colorIndex = (colorIndex + 11) mod nofColorIndices
end with ' }
next colorIndex ' }
range(columns(1), columns(8)).columnWidth = 6
range(rows (1), rows (8)).rowHeight = 38
with range(cells(1,1), cells(nofColorIndices \ 8, 8))
.font.size = 20
.font.bold = true
.horizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.verticalAlignment = xlCenter
end with
activeWorkbook.saved = true
end sub ' }