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Reading a CSV file into an Excel table (listObject) with Visual Basic for Application

This example tries to demonstrate how a CSV file can be imported into an Excel table with Visual Basic for Application.
In order to access the data in the CSV file, the OLE DB provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is used.


This is the CSV file we're going to import.
fourty-two,42,2020-02-20 20:02:20
hello world,99.99,2020-02-03 04:05:06
"foo, bar and baz",123.456789,1999-09-19 09:19:29
René,98765.4321,1900-01-01 00:00:00
xyz,70.00,1970-03-05 01:02:03
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/ListObject/connectionString/CSV/tab.csv


The schema.ini file defines some characteristics of the CSV file, such as column names, column data types and date/time format.
Because tab.csv is encoded in UTF-8, the schema.ini file contains the characterSet = 65001. This ensures that the fourth data line in the CSV file is imported correctly.
format         = csvDelimited
colNameHeader  = true
characterSet   = 65001
dateTimeFormat ="yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss"
col1           = txt text
col2           = num decimal   precision 3 scale 2
col3           = dat datetime
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/ListObject/connectionString/CSV/schema.ini

The VBA code

option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim connectionString as string

    connectionString =                            _
       "OLEDB;"                                 & _
       "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"     & _
       "data source=" & thisWorkbook.path & ";" & _
       "extended Properties=text"

    dim destTable as listObject

    set destTable = activeSheet.listObjects.add( _
       sourceType  := xlSrcExternal            , _
       source      := connectionString         , _
       destination := cells(2, 2))

    with destTable.queryTable

        .commandType     = xlCmdSql
        .commandText     = array("select * from [tab.csv]")
        .backgroundQuery = true

        .refresh backgroundQuery := false

    end With

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/ListObject/connectionString/CSV/import-tab.bas

Created list object

The following image shows the created list object. As can be seen, the dates are imported with the correct numbers (days since 1899-12-31), but not formatted correctly.
It also shows that the é of René is correct (as per specification of characterSet in the schema.ini file).

See also

Excel: Importing and displaying CSV data
